9.2 Shadowlands PvP

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Credits: muffles
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23 thoughts on “9.2 Shadowlands PvP”

  1. they should make it so mages and rogues have to aim their cc.

    no more sheeping target behind you. no more blinding target behind you.

    this would probably make a lot of them crumble without affecting skill cap or dmg output.

  2. I didnt play pvp in tbc wotlk and quit after last patch of cata and returned now. Since that time RMP is something everybody knows even if you are far from pvp lol like i didnt expect to hear it when i returned but hell no

  3. RMP is one of the OG comps, you'd think people would have learnt how to play against them by now…..instead of complaining. Yano? GitGud?

    Its a joke, all for the banter, please don't take too seriously…….


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