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TLDR: All healers suck in 9.2 (except holy priest) and there are several classes that can one-shot or do unhealable damage.
Rdruids are higher rated than Hpallas in both 3s and 2s, dunno what skillcapped loves so much about hpall
what a surprise
So the best comp could be hpriest-f.mage-destro
No enh shaman?
Can we plz include RBG
Also: sad mw monk noises…
Good video but I think resto Druids get more play than disc
Hpal right now is very close to cata hpal.
Have played hpal since the days of BWL in vanilla.
Im bias AF but a pally has every tool needed for any situation. The healer version of a rogue
What's funnier than me not even playing WOW 😲 but still always listen/ watching skill cap videos ( just in case I get the itch to play , you gotta be prepared 👍 right!!) But the best part is your voice soothes my 2 yr old when we're driving or walking to the park there by saving me from getting those " cocomelon" melodies stuck in my head all day!!
I wouldbe surprised if this kids not owning everyone and slapping swifty around by the time he's 8 lol!!! I'm scared 😳 jk—
Foreal though thanks for the content, keeping me in the loop and my boy learning his craft at a young age
holy priest are not overpowered, they're just the least shitty to heal with in this meta.
Damage is too high, and it can be directly attributed to borrowed power. Imagine if power came from the specs / gear? Crazy, right?
It seems like they aren't interested in balancing the healers this patch, as they are likely all hands on deck for Dragonflight. Maybe 9.2.5 will bring us some changes, but for now I guess I have to shelve my Disc
Nice, Thank you
There should be a full tier between holy priest and all other healers.
Power wise i feel like Hpriest, Hpally, and Rdruid are all kinda close. The problem is that only Hpriest kit actually feels smooth to play while Pally and Druid have super clunky feel to them. Also this list feels more like a AWC prediction and not ladder, since Druids have much higher representation
Hey guys, just wanted to clarify some confusion about Disc Priest vs Resto Druid that we are currently seeing in the comments (and that we might have caused by accident).
We do NOT sort specs by power within tiers. But without knowing this, it seems like we are suggesting Disc is better than Resto Druid. We would like to re-affirm that this is not the case. At the time of this videos release, Druids exist somewhere between Disc and Holy Paladin.
As mentioned in the comments, Disc Priest representation has fallen in the past few weeks, but based on the Priests we talked to, this had more to do with HOLY being so good, rather than Disc Priest being "bad". Many Priests who normally play Disc in Jungle Cleave have swapped over to Holy because it is simply THAT much better. This massive respeccing has the effect of wiping out a lot of Disc Priests slots on the highest end of the ladder. Something somewhat similar is happening with Mages right now. Frost has more representation than Fire lately, but Fire is still REALLY good. Looking at representation alone is rarely enough to paint a complete picture of class balance. It may help point us in that direction, but ultimately balance is determined by a whole ecosystem of class design and player ingenuity.
TL;DR We don't sort within tiers, which can be confusing. Resto Druid probably better than Disc, but still worse than Holy Paladin.
I seem to survive just fine as a MW.. but they could use some love for real..
not sure why MW has just been left as the worst pvp healer this expansion. rare that is spec is the worst for a whole xpack
So what i've learned the Burst damage is way to fucking high in this season/xpac and needs to be toned the fuck down because this is WoW and it has a faster TTK than CoD which is stupid and ridiculous.
holy priest
First season in wow pvp and I’ve already hit 2k and now I’m pushing to 2.1k using skill capped! #holdmyhoj
im a main healer since legion and glad in s2 and s1 i can say damage is way too high for any class to heal u have a window of 0.5-1sec to react or game is over in most cases (lock matchups melee cleaves matchups or rm). so far most of my loses was because healer didnt react fast enough which i think is a big problem . second of all hpriest kit is too bloated tbh. in bfa atleast they had to choose between fade,death,holy ward and chastise was fixed 1min cd most hpriests in bfa had fade only and death was exclusive to disc. Now hpriest has shield fade,DEATH, Holy ward if talented and yes its still op if used well ! . on top of that resetable chastise and holy wards which are just way too obnoxious and way too good problem is that they just have so much toolkit and can play ultra offensive soo whats the point of disc priests if holy is 10 times better at offensiveness and everything else? . season 3 hpriest buffs made it worse everyone just insta rerolled to hpriest. lastly rez leggo is just super super stupid to play with.. lets not forget kyrian burst :).
Either fix Hpriest damage avoidance or fix their CC availability.
I would love blizz to just buff other healers. I really like Holy how it is and don't want them to gut the spec because they don't know how to nerf it…
all healers are trash now
Hope MW gets a nice buff before SL ends, it's the most fun healer to play imo
I fucking hate how bad company Blizzard is for not seeing the hot pile of shit they are relasing. 60% of players are f holy priest. My holy priest alt had 2k in 2 weeks, while druid is still on 1.7k. And im really good as druid, its my main while i started holy 2 weeks ago with same 1.6k gear from last season. Fuck blizzard!
I quit playing because TTK is just way too fast and burst damage is off the charts. Damage is way more important to blizzard than keeping teammates alive.
Dont nerf holy priest make other healer as solid as holy priest