90$ MOUNT?! WORLD OF WARCRAFT HAS LOST IT HOW IS THIS REAL! – The War Within | #thewy on #Twitch

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14 thoughts on “90$ MOUNT?! WORLD OF WARCRAFT HAS LOST IT HOW IS THIS REAL! – The War Within | #thewy on #Twitch”

  1. I dont care as I dont play WoW to play the AH. That being said, I bave to say that for whales to give mor money to the game I love for thr past 20 years, very well. Its not anythibg pay to win. Make it 1000 dollars for all I care. It ultimetly means our game is more profitable thus continuing its legacy for the long long run.

    Again, not pay to win, who gives an f. More money for the development of our game. Gg.

  2. This price is actually not expensive if u think that the other mount cost 10m gold. And a token is worth like 300k in EU and has a value of 13€ so the old mount cost like 500€ and this one cost 78€ 😂 will definitely buy it when my Christmas money comes 😂😂😂


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