WoW Shadowlands: A Bittersweet lookback

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Briefly looking back at Shadowlands on the run up to Dragonflight.

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32 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands: A Bittersweet lookback”

  1. Well, got to say, that was a banger of a video. Very well done with your thoughts clearly stated, not something very common in new channels so its nice to see. Deserves all the attention and more. Big plus for me personally is that i agree on most of your points as well so that's always nice to see

  2. looking forward to seeing how the channel grows, remember stay true to yourself and don't put yourself under any added pressure, just keep making content the way you have, it's the reason Zack reacted to it, and people subbed to you 🧡

  3. nice op-ed style video. watched it on asmon's channel and decided to hop on over and give it another look without all the stop/starts. that made it so much easier to get involved with the narrative you present. good work. keep em coming

  4. Your covenant point made a lot of sense to me, I was the exact same. Fire Mage, at the beginning of the expac, wanted to go Night Fae. IDK if it's still the same, but I remember going Venthyr and having people ask me even in random normal dungeons why I would do that, Night Fae is better for Fire Mage. I just really enjoyed the look of the Venthyr, and while it wasn't too bad because Venthyr was still viable, it still felt bad knowing I was doing less than I potentially could have been doing had I gone Night Fae. I didn't do mythic+ this expac at all because if you go in m+ as a Venthyr fire mage, you're basically trolling unless it's a Tyrannical week. I didn't like that at all.

    That being said, the raids this expac were… serviceable. Castle Nathria may have been easy, but it's definitely up there with my favorite raids like Nighthold. Aesthetically, it was amazing, but I might be biased because, as I said earlier, I love Venthyr :P. I was only a heroic raider, but that was the most fun I've had in the game for a while. Sanctum made me quit the game for a while, but I came back right when season 4 started, and I'm grateful I waited because from what I heard, Sepulcher on release, even heroic mode, was… difficult, to say the least. Bosses like Anduin and Halondrus still gave me trouble, but that's to be expected.

    One more thing, but I ADORED the Fated raids. During Legion, I would run older raids like EN or Nighthold even in Antorus on the off chance that something might titanforge. This was a serviceable way to keep older content relevant, but it was more like it was okay because we didn't know what we could have. What we COULD have had was Fated raids. I love this way to keep even Castle Nathria, released 2 years ago, fresh and you can get some BIS pieces from it. Combined with the Dinar quests, combined with the items that drop off of heroic/mythic bosses to let you upgrade Normal/Heroic pieces to heroic/mythic ilvl (forgot what the item is called, forgive the convoluted explanation LMAO), combined with the creation catalyst that lets you turn pieces you get from CN and SOD to tier? Oh yeah. Love that SO much, and I hope when Dragonflight's life cycle nears its end, they bring it back!!! It's such a smart way to avoid content droughts, especially with stuff like Slime Cat, the heroic title, and the mythic rewards to work towards as well. Sorry for gushing about Fated system, but it's SO good.

    Sorry for the ramble, good video though! I love hearing people's thoughts on Shadowlands since I didn't get to play it from start to finish.


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