Read more about Shadowlands ➜
Ret Paladin in Shadowlands has some of the best offheals and the strongest emergency heals in Mythic+ dungeons, raids, and PVP. This should be baseline for Ret Paladins as it feels like what a true hybrid should be! DONT NERF US BLIZZ!!!
Weak Aura:
#RETPRESENT shirts and hoodies available:
Ret Paladin is STILL the best spec in Wow!
Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned and subscribe to Varaben’s YouTube Channel to always be kept up to date about World of Warcraft news, Ret Paladin content/guides, and more!
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Shoutout to Neiko Zarfati for the sick intro!
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Don't nerf this talent! It feels amazing on the whole.
I cannot express how much better Retribution feels with Healing Hands and the return of Blessing of Sacrifice. Week one of Mythic 0's has been the most fun I've had since MoP, as the ability to act as a full-blown off-healer on certain fights and hard-hitting trashpacks is unbelievably valuable. I haven't used mousover macros this much since healing full-time.
Offtop question, but after your videos im starting to doubt my decision of going venthyr ret, should i reroll to kyrian or it doesnt have a big difference?
hi man, please share your UI its pretty nice!
Are the white hits auto-hits? How are they hitting this high?
Hey. Varaben, I enjoy your HUD a lot, is there any guide for your ElvUI and WeakAuras?
Any way you could share your player, target, and party layout?
Also do you have a link to your character to look up gear and talents?