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The return of the great sub rogue babyyyy! Yes the 9.0 Sub Rogue guide for shadowlands pre-patch is live, covering all the changes, the 9.0 sub rogue talents, essences, azerite traits and ofc the sub rogue rotation and openers. It’s no surprise that the spec is doing very well so far and the shadowlands sub rogue gameplay feels smoother than ever with solid numbers in raids and an absolute blast if like doing shadowlands sub rogue m+. That being said, remember this is till sub rogue pre patch stuff so a lot will change once the full on expansion will launch but until then, it’s good to learn how to play sub rogue and keep close to Marcelian Online for all of your shadowlands class guides 🙂
0:45 Changes
3:24 Talents
7:35 Stats & Consumables
9:02 Azerite Traits & Essences
11:23 Rotation
Mystler’s Sub Rogue Guide
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The Macro 🙂
#showtooltip Shadow dance
/use Writhing Segment of Drest’agath
/cast Shadow Dance
/cast Guardian of Azeroth
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast shadow blades
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Which addons are you using here dudes? lol
I get the feeling you're going to have to make another video when the pre-launch event hits lol
Thanks again guys for the guide 😛
addon text and auras?? good video 🙂
What is that addon for the floating combat text style ?
This channel is awesome. Thanks for the great content guys. How long would it take someone to get all the Azerite traits if they were just coming back to Wow after quitting during Wod? And will they go away eventually like the other borrowed power systems?
Why do you add symbols to a big oneshot macro rather than popping it separately for the energy regen? You could use a macro with dance and blades and then press symbols during or after your second global into dance.
Do you have a link to your weakauras ?
Would love a video on your UI or a way to get a guide to set it up. Very clean setup my man!
Any one know what this sweet cooldown bar is he has?
Ah, my main. I think Sub is in a very good place.
Hunter Rouge shadow priest pally wtf is this early mop ? All me missing is blood dk aka the immortal
Main thing I like about sub is it feels not so energy starved the way it is right now. That’s the main thing I dislike about rogues and druids, that feeling of just waiting on energy to use a skill. It’s still a thing but it doesn’t feel quite as bad with sub right now. I haven’t bothered with feral but I’m sure it still feels terrible, which is a shame.
it might be ok in prepatch but its been hit hard on beta. so has outlaw and sin hasnt had any changes
Hello from Luxembourg ! Great Channel ! I love you guys !
You didn't mention Black Powder for aoe. Why the omission?
Great video excellent editing! My whole issue with Rogue Is their AoE feels like trash. Your rotation section is pretty much on point, you basically get two shurikan storms then eviscerate. On the main enemy in the pack. The only time a rogue really gets to shine on the meters is during a boss fight. Whereas a Demon Hunter or BM hunter, or damn near most all other classes can all help mow the trash down a lot faster and get respect on the meters. While most rogues sit at the bottom of the DPS list till the boss. Sad part is that during the whole dungeon the rogue has to do a lot more work with their rotation than most other classes.
What's the weakaura? Looks really clean
dont stack mastery guys cuz u will not use only finishers crit versa better for every spell
Hiya, whats that funny circle on the screen, Im seeing this in a few other wow gameplay vids lately also and am curious as to what its about?
talks about sub rogue… shows pve… looooooool
whats the add on hes using that shows all his moves above his stamina bar?
How do you put Enemy frame in the middle of the boss body, not the above the head? Thanks
Hey, I really enjoyed your Add-on video in 8.3, but in the recent patch all my add-ons have been disabled or have been changed. Wil there be a new video during the pre patch?
whats the addon used at 1:29? I really like it
Sub the new dh… Sooo op! Nerf 30℅ dmg and is fine
Oy vey…these two. Gotta love em.
Hey Marcelian, I love your videos. Is there any way we could get in touch, I would REALLY love to know how to make those animated outline still shots you use as thumbnails and in videos!! It would mean a lot to me 🙏🏼
Your stat priority is different to that of icy veins. For pve, why are you suggesting that we don't opt for crit >vers>mastery?
Are all of the tooltip screenshots 8.3 patch?