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Would World of Warcraft Shadowlands work with a new combat system? From Action combat to tab targeting, what does WoW Shadowlands stand to gain from a new combat system
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Blizz should try making a new game or do what Riot did with the Ruined King game. From the gameplay perspective, it adds something new. From lore perspective, it can add some more lore. It'd be a shame for WoW to end up lile the Simpsons. Zombie WoW just sounds terrible.
I'm willing to give them some slack since Commiefornia has retarded leadership when it came to the Wu Flu. They're people too.
yo acc thanks for no reason i just wanted to say congrats in becoming a long time main wow content creator
been watching for years
That would be dope as shit, but it wouldn't work on wow, I think
"They should make it hard, and require you to play with others"
"I hated half the people in the mythic Kiljaden raid because they died and we wiped"
…can't imagine why people don't want to play with others these days
I swear that the leveling experience was so good back in Classic and tbc. Probably wrath too, but I can’t speak to that. Stuff is HARD. There’s just normal leveling quests I have to use my whole toolkit for as an untwinked mage. I can solo them, for sure, but you only approach the banal breeziness of modern WoW questing when you reach a group size of 2 or 3 out in the open world.
Switched over to ESO while waiting for 9.1 and at lvl 5 I had 3 class abilities and 1 for my 2H and I had to block/dodge roll and keep my Spike Armor up to survive the delve boss. It's actually hard engaging content and each delve (world dungeon) had an npc out front that needs you to do something in there. There's a reason behind every quest and it really feels like you're a part of the world.
Making a Dark Souls like singleplayer game in the WoW Universe could be cool though!
All iknow that everyone is gangsta until the plin plin plon starts playing…..
There's community in WoW…just look at The Goldshire Inn on Moonguard. I wouldn't though, since I already went blind after watching an Asmongold video on it.
the open world should feel as dangerous as the Maw. And the Maw should feel as dangerous as stepping inside a dungeon all on your own.
If you want to do Maw-stuff solo, you should have a really hard time. So hard that people would need/ask for help from other players and do it TOGETHER.
ironic, how you don't want player power systems cause bad players will influence it too hard. but complain about a action MMORPG style game cause you have 200 ping.
Moral of the story, git gud
How bout MHW? They already experimented with introducing raid mechanics with the behemoth fight (ff14 collab).
Ask Accolonn a question and get an uninformed answer from a random dude who hasn't played the game instead Kappa
After having played finally Diablo 3 Story Campaign, i really enjoyed a A+++.
Also like the wizard class in Diablo 3, it really feels as a wizard.
Mage in todays wow, doesnt feel anymore like a mage, you are either a arcane, frost or firemage.
oh i would love that.
Dark Souls would make wow actually cooler n more darker, thats why for the first time i liked a lot the wow shadowlands, which reminded me a lot of Dark Souls, because shadowlands having all this dark death darkness vibes, especially in revendreth, in the maw, torghast (choregast), the mawsorns, army of the death etc…
Well .. I think the question was miss understood in here, I guess the question meant the hard unforgiving world aspect of Dark souls that promoted discovery and rewarding the players for that, also the many ways that players can play their classes and unique loot the encourage different playstyles instead of the dull world and boring loot the game suffers ever since cata and the remake of Azeroth. I don't think the question meant the "roll" or combat style of Darksouls .
In short WoW needs to look at their own game roots instead of copying boring systems from games that belong to other genres like Diablo which causing most of the problems it suffers from.
After hearing so many in the WoW community saying that they prefer "simple things" and the lore gets too "complicated" for them to understand, I concluded that stories like FFXIV or Dark Souls should be kept apart from that WoW crowd (as in the average player).
I wish the mainstream WoW community was more like what we have in this channel over the people who want Cata 2.0 or Tinkers instead of cosmic lore development.
I like the game harder, but then at the same time, I like having gear that feels strong, I used to love buying gear from for example wrath of lich king expansion at 68 and using it in the last two levels of outland 🙂 and just decimating mobs. where as now, there isn't much of a jump when you go from Tbc to Wrath gear. But then I also like a challenge, probably why blizz has easy mode dungeons but also has Mythic plus versions, to cater to players like me. I always found it odd that for instance in legion, we had artifact weapons but would struggle to kill a random bird mob, Surely ash bringer would decimate a random boar or animal, These weapons were later used to kill a Titan. Strange if you ask me.
That would be WAY too brutal in WoW. Though it would make the game hard again lol
I fully agree that in general mobs in WoW need to be more difficult, but that poses a problem. Most of the open way game is too mindless today, making combat not feel engaging at all. They need to be more challenging but in an engaging way not just increasing their damage/health. And secondly, they need to increase the rewards system to compensate the additional time/difficulty. If it takes 5 seconds to kill a mob for 10xp and 1g right now, it would not be enjoyable to need to spend 30 seconds dealing with a difficult version of the same mob only to get the same 10xp and 1g.
I just wish WoW would look more realistic on at least look like Warcraft 3 Reforged. That would be epic 😈🤘🤘😈
I just had a random thought during my midnight smoke session. I think Alleria and Nzoth will have it out with Sylvanas and Zuval.
The whole whispers of ilgynoth about at the hr of her third death she will usher our coming. Alleria says she feels like she has died twice even though she technically hasn't. And she's connected hella close to the void. And top that off with Nzoth saying only I can save you from what is to come. I suspect somewhat indirect similar to how Zuval pulled strings behind the scenes.
I think the constant reference to closed eyes. Is literally the champions, factions, etc. Bejnf oblivious to the bigger picture. Closed mind more or less means they are working blind. So it's not until whatever is about to happen so literally at their door step do "all eyes will be open"
I also wonder if the Jailer or brother that's "locked away" could be who Nzoth hints as being the one to himself to deep places and give himself to Nzoth. 🤔If not Zuval himself.
I wonder of the gift he wants you to receive are the visions he actually sees. And you have to weed out the the information tied to your possible reality? To see all truths?
So battle Royale? I get the impression that Sylvanas arrow will find its last "mark" that could make things pop off. I'm just wondering if the Fall of Night will reveal her true face could hint at Elune or more Sylvanas maneuvers. I dunno I figured revisiting that could hold clues for the future since some of what's been hinted at has come to pass. Whether it is us the players are possibly going to be used to turn the "tides" by Nzoth because I'm thinking there is something on going that we may stop or reverse vs start 🤔
I dunno. The kush makes me extra insightful. I could be on to something or talking nonsense 😂
why cant they add a debuff that u select when making a new char when leveling that u take like lets say 25 – 50 – 75 – 100 % more damage that last till u ding max level and its a slider on ur char creator so u can pick what u want … also give u a achiev if u get to max on 100% boom done.
boom people have some choices everybody can level the way they want and there is a incentive to do 100%
The cat is out of the bag. Players will never agree to going back to open world group content.
One of the biggest problems most people have with wow who try to play single player is the fact so much of the community I'd toxic. Acco, you play FF, do you see anywhere near the toxic community in FF that you see in WoW?
considering how good WoW players are at standing in fire, a dark souls-type WoW would be hilarious to watch lol