A Few Ideas To Make Shadowlands Extremely Alt Friendly! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1

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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQes399BdRk
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z7EMhznIY0
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lalj4TWf35E
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL9Qb4iPwew
ADDONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrABg_GvOcI


8 thoughts on “A Few Ideas To Make Shadowlands Extremely Alt Friendly! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1”

  1. rushed to get korthia gear to be upgradeable to the max so fast that I had to sit waiting for a month because of a nonsense renown requirement and when I finally could upgrade it I already had better gear from dungeons, will I ever do it again for an alt? no way

  2. Well structured video and good points. Unfortunately its boring to listen to/keep watching i don't know why. You always take forever to go to the point or extend a very simple concept to oblivion, maybe it's just me. You can say the same things in less time using less words the phase is just annoying. Its been like this for years now. I don't watch all videos but once in awhile come back and notice the same issue. Later dude, i'm just saying my opinion. GL!

  3. After seeing how ff14 solved this problem i think wow should adapt to that system. Remove the classes and make it so you can play every specc there is in the game with one char, but you have a specc progression (like lvl 1-60 for each specc or something).

  4. imagine the command table had your alts on it ;D and you could send your alts on missions to level them up naturaly, or even have your alts follow you as a companion like they did in legion.


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