Zen being a skinny af thrall is hilarious. Did Rein really need another crossover skin? He's my favorite tank but damn spread the love. And giving hanzos identity to widowmaker also pretty hilarious. Cool skins, not much thought process put into them though lmao
bro this happened an hour ago how do u have a short for this already LOL
blizzard knows how to do a crossover for real 🤞
Zen being a skinny af thrall is hilarious. Did Rein really need another crossover skin? He's my favorite tank but damn spread the love. And giving hanzos identity to widowmaker also pretty hilarious. Cool skins, not much thought process put into them though lmao
they totally could have given brig one, no im not salty shut up!
No one speaking about Widow with bow and arrow, I know it's from Sylvanna's or whatever her name is, but still
All these cool skins and yet the community is one of the worst and most toxic communities I’ve ever played with.
I want to see that widow because widow's gun is a sniper but can be a smg or automatic when not scoped right? How would that work for a bow
Torb is murdin