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With COA pushing to lvl 60 on Ascension Thursday there isn’t a real reason to play SOD. 21 classes with custom everything, blizz should have hired that ascension team.
No thanks to the developers anymore for working so hard? 😂
Why do you keep turning a blind eye to SoD? The devs have killed the MMORPG experience and disrespected the game. And yet you continue to hype SoD for god knows why.
So sad they killed the best thing they had ever made.
All sod devs need to be fired and the season canceled
Can’t satisfy everyone. Cancel your accounts, take a break, continue farming/playing, just do you. No one is really going to care either or what you do.
I just hope they don't mess with Ret Paladin too much. We're doing really well. Just make two different playstyle choices available: fast-2h w/ Exo, or slower 2h w/ Command. One of the new runes needs to be Avenging Wrath. That's pretty much it for me.
Look man, I digged your content when SoD was fresh and was feeling good. Blizzard is failing, and instead of doubling down and backing them up; say the negatives. We want fresh content. Flush out crafting, so you're not just crafting epics on your main and gathering professions on alts. Come up with quests in crafting to unlock transmog through professions. (ie: make weaponsmiths able to transmog weapons) Make additional, unique questlines to make rare items stand out more. Make more content to play the game in more ways than just end game raid. On a seasonal server, make reputation through all characters shared. Make more incentives or events to world pvp. Battle for ashenvale was good, but lost momentum when you couldn't keep participating after revered. Bloodmoon was really fun at first, but the balancing for some classes made it feel awful at times. God forbid you had a bad Loa spawn, too. Make the game way more alt friendly, and you'll see more people trying out new classes. Blizzard needs to stop taking from the SoD team and just have them focus on making brand new content. There were so many lost opportunities to make certain things like a legendary in any of the phases like sul'thraze. So asking us to try playing again for just another phase of rough balancing, inability to fill/complete raids that we will havee already done (MC, Ony), an additional crafting item that will be expensive to craft but almost a mandatory power increase. It's just going to bog us down even more, especially when we dont have much info either. Phase 1 was great, phase 2 was okay, phase 3 was a failure and its okay to say so.
Peoples champ! Keep it up man
We have found some really fun stuff to do during phase 3. We love going to the island in stv in stealth and then after an alliance starts the buff drop we kill them before they get it. Shoutout to Stonelton.
Nuts that people still play this.
Its such a shame how bad they fumbled sod
The idea of the video is just simply, SoD is about to have a ton of changes in the PTR and its About to Launch (most likely tomorrow) and you should give it another try to see how you feel. Not sure why im being called names and being told im taking a payday from blizzard lol..?
Try not to overthink things everyone…
Sod was supposed to be a classic plus like season now it's about to be classic world but retail
I’ll wait for your video lol
guys just let it die already, it had a good p1 and p2, lets just put it to rest now, it was great when it was alive, but sometimes its best to move forward and let these things die.
It’s actually insane how bad they messed up SoD after the hype it had and how good phase 1 was
Im optimistic for p4. ready to test some stuff and play end game!
I feel burned so badly by the devs on SoD that I actually feel relief knowing that I have no interest in coming back.
Your setup looks awesome bro!
Any new zones or a new raid? Probably not coming back for recycled raids.
What I fear is Blizz will listen and cater more to "retailers" and go with more of that. Who and what decides what PTR feedback will be taken more serious?
For me personally, P1 was great, P2 was ok, P3 was 💀 so P4 must deliver or SoD is done and will get a bad rep going forward.
Another thing. It feels a bit off that SoD was not already a planned project. That the game was not even done yet and they still need more feedback on a PTR.
This is exactly what I've been saying since day 1: Blizz don't even know what "Classic+" should be. So they toss everything on the wall and see what sticks. SoD is NOT C+. It's Beta for it.
You get two comments from me and another view(er) but my unsub stays. Since they day you announced you are going to stop making Classic content and go to Retail soon. Peace.
I wish Biz would just make an awesome Classic + version of the game like everyone wants. I think Project Epoch looks better at this point and that is sad.
Am I the only one that finds a PTR for Season of Discovery really disappointing? I expect better internal testing from this company. Using the player base to test their game, spoiling what's new, and inevitably taking wind out of the launch experience because it'll be solved. Feelin' burned.
I think blizzard intentionally sabatoged SOD because its was so popular that it makes all their decisions after classic plus look just terrible in hindsight so they would rather nuke it from orbit than have classic + be the preferred game mode for its players.
All I heard was "Blizzard would like another chance… and a freer hand… to MESS UP Classic WoW and the Class you have been working on for 6 months PERSONALLY"
Blizzard "Can we have another chance to piss in your Cheerios?"
Me = "…"
Plain and simple blizzard messed up when they didnt release the runes from the prior phases within your trainer, when the included incursions giving people a pathway to avoid world pve and pvp.
If runes from prior phases were basically purchasable making it less of a struggle to try and fill all of your rune spots and collect all the runes it would give a bit of haste to the game.
If they deleted the incursions and forced people back into the actual game not the nightmare area they would have kept their population.
People dont have stupid amounts of time to waste anymore especially being the generation that basically excludes any kids, its all Season of dads and moms now for that wow era.
Blizzard you made a big mistake and now its just a piss take. PH1 was by far the best.
P3 has been so excruciatingly dragged out to the point of no return
What killed SOD for me is the devs refusing to attempt to balance broken classes, not to mention one that is faction specific. A lot of people re rolled to play a certain broken faction specific class. The snowball effect from that decision are going to have long term consequences, if nerfs were to happen are people going to quit playing shamans and come back to alliance? Probably not. I mostly enjoy pvp and if I am not having fun I am not going play, its pretty simple. It isn't an L2P issue, it is simply there are completely busted specs that have had 0 balancing.
One thing that is not talked about enough is the community itself. And I think it’s fair to say that SoD Phase 3 isn’t something that got drowned in the pool of the regular negativity of WoWs Community, the criticism was more then justified. And streamers, content creators that came back to the argument that people are to negative, what did most of them do? They all moved to cata and left SoD on ice.
Anyway, the biggest issue to me is the community itself. I experienced (and I kept playing SoD until this week) a lot of gatekeeping and elitism, so much negativity within the community itself. It’s all about parsing and performance. How can someone that doesn’t want to jump into a guild and isn‘t able to commit to the game in that kind of way login and participate without getting checked and rated? It‘s just not a chill game anymore, you even get gatekeeped in incursions if you have some green gear. Streamers have to highlight this and even more set a good example. Don’t let the high performing culture in this game conquer even more ground, spreading toxicity and making it unable for people to get back in the game that haven’t planned through each and every step. Casual MMORPG is dying, not just SoD
Please remove world buffs
If they touch my melee hunter one more time I’m done.
How many second chances do you guys give blizzard just stop playing there reheated dogshit. We are reaching levels of cope that shouldn’t even be possible 😂
Gotta find another game to play y’all. A bunch of my guildies have a Valheim server going while we wait for SoD phase 4. We are having a blast.
All the Cata boys will come running back when p4 drops. The only people who say they terminated their account (ánd mean it) are those who subbed for sod specificly and dont want to wait for p4 The rest is back to their other version of the game or just ran natural course with the game and would have quit anyway. So do doubt that p4 will be BIG. If it stays big, now THAT is in the hands of the devs. I went from active, to raid-logging, to prof cd-logging, But will be there for an other all nighter when p4 drops (If I can log in this launch 🙂 )
Unfortunately, unless season 4 is an absolute banger, I don’t intend on coming back.
Sods wack
I’m assuming veiwership dropped after they announced they were going to swap to retail.
Not paying a company that can't hire a single GM. There are more bots than actual players, no joke
So glad I quit a few weeks into P2 SOD sucks.
PTR Is live right now boys!
bro its SO DRY. PTR is even a damn joke. no hype whatsoever