A NEW Class Coming In The World Soul Saga?! Tinker, Void Hunter + MORE!

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With the last titan and the titan machinery, it is the perfect time to add a tinker, engineer type class, while with the vrykul lore it also leaves the door open to a runemaster as well as a necromancer happening in Northrend. With Midnight we have the high likelihood of a spellbreaker, battle mage type class happening as well as something heavily void related like a void hunter or the more troll themed shadowhunter that has existed in the lore.

Every 2 expansions since classic we’ve been getting 1 class, except dragonflight where it took 3 expansions, however 3 new expansions are coming in the world soul saga which based on the pattern leaves us for at least 1 new class coming and as some leaks say potentially multiple which would mean we are in for some crazy times. So thematically what classes could we be seeing added throughout the world soul saga?

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44 thoughts on “A NEW Class Coming In The World Soul Saga?! Tinker, Void Hunter + MORE!”

  1. If they do add any new classes I don't think they'll do two at once. They already have their hands full trying to balance what we have and trying to balance more than one extra would probably be a whole mess.

  2. In lore the other races do have similar classes, we just never see them.

    Tinkers could easily be added to other classes, Draenei have their crustal mechs, high elves/nightborne have the arcane bots, Orcs have all those new mechs that were made during WoD, obviously Gnomes and Goblins, Dwarves have siegesmiths (as do humans since they worked so closely with dwarves for so long). The only ones that don't really have any kind of tech link are the trolls and night elves.

  3. My take its, warden (if they dont become a spec or hero talent)
    Necromancer (its almost a 100% we even have different shadowlands necromancy and skills)
    Void hunter/shadowhunter (this is probably whats going to happen at first, makes sense, another mail wearer, open to all from trolls to Elves)
    Tinkers, at this point to be honest they were put in the Enginering profession, from a Hero Class to just a profession. there was a possibility after BfA , but nothing happened, so probably they scrapped it.

  4. One class of some sort I would like too see is Blood mage or other class while DK as with necromancy has already tapt in too such power.

    I would like something like what Blood Troll uses.

    Seeing as one of the most evil group there is in the man'ari can get redemption(never saw that coming) I guess Blood trolls could join up with Horde and the rest of the troll factions when even the thought to be dead Dark trolls have.

    I would also want the mogu to be playable there is a non hostile faction out there already.

  5. I hope they actually make a cool class with 0 race restriction. We need something cool that everyone will get excited for not a damn race locked scaley class that probably less than 5% of the player base actually thinks is cool. My dream class would be a void based class with 3 roles, melee dps, ranged dps, and tank.

  6. That they gave us the terrible Dracthyr Evoker instead of Spellbreaker battlemages is the reason I skipped the current expansion. DDracthyr should have been a normal race with multiple classes, and Spellbreakers should have been the class(Tank, melee dps, ranged dps/support)

  7. 1: Northrend is getting some TLC
    2: where the forge is located (that can create spiecies)
    3: earthens are coming to town (quests inbound)
    me thinks new northrend bound spiecies like: a fight over the forge leads to a new hybrid spiecies Human/orc + naga/Arachnathid…
    Now that will blow my socks off very hard.

  8. I think it’d make sense if they have a Tinkerer (Mail Class) exclusive to Gnomes, Goblins, Mechagnomes, and Vulpera. They could also add Necromancers (Cloth Class) for all races im thinking. And as far as a plate wearing class I’m not sure, but if they have 4 plate 4 mail 4 leather and 4 cloth that would be 16 classes and it’d balance everything out since we got 13 classes so far. 3 Plate, 3 Mail 4 leather, and 3 cloth wearing classes. So the next 3 classes most likely won’t be another leather wearing class is my guess, but rather for the 3 remaining armor types. I wonder what plate wearing classes we could have?

  9. I kinda don't want any new races unless they make sense. Dracthyr out of nowhere was… meh. And most of the allied races have been elf reskins (or tauren). Now they're reskinning dwarves constantly. The theory of the nerubians being playable was cool – until they completely changed the aesthetic of the potentially playable nerubian.
    So many races to choose from and they chose to make up a random new race, to reskin old ones, to change a good one instead of making it work.

  10. I've been thinking this for awhile, necromancers no longer have to be just tied to the original necromancer concept. After shadowlands, death magic is so much more. I do wanna see the traditional necromancer but also then using anima (a lot of the spell effects were used for covenant abilities!) Or a spec based on souls (dranaei used soul magic on Outland and draenor). I can see an anima spec that's more of a support spec or the soul spec being a healer spec. I would still like some summoning with the class and maybe a plague or two but I think a lot of the good things from shadowlands death magic wise could be taken

  11. Shadiw hunters, rune master. Necromancers , all sound too much like classes already around. Tinker sounds overdue. Like an engineer class. I could imagine their ranged, their companion focused spec, meleee. Heal even. Pretty cool. Demon hunters are like obselete now ppl only rock with them becude they have flight gliding.

  12. I want a Tinker/mechanist class so much, it's by far the most unique out of all the other ones mentioned as all of those are kinda re-skins of existing classes and their isn't any mechanical type class at all yet…also I think any race (or at least most) could easily be a tinker since it's basically someone that is using tech or piloting a mech, why would that be limited to certain races.

  13. Spellbreakers would be lore adaptable for other races I think, the ogres on alternate draenor made some anti-magic users, and that ogre empire kinda joined the mag'har, while the worgen has been so chummy with the NE that they'd be allowed to learn the abilities as well (or the emerald dream connection bears som inherently anti-magic abilities).
    Trolls, with all their Loa killing and with Hkkar constantly looking in the background, would also have developed anti-magic at some point.

  14. Might not be classes but specs like how they did with evokers in DF. They did say they are looking to do the same for other classes but weren't 100% set on it. So I can see warriors getting a spellbreaker spec, mage getting battlemage(where they're fighting melee range instead of range), paladins getting a support spec like augmentation, Hunters getting shadow hunter. so forth and so on.

    IDK if I care to much for a Void hunter class if anything I'd want a engineer/tinkerer class where you have a "holosmith" spec, a mech spec, and a purely bomb/turrent spec. Holosmith is like GW2's engineer(and do not give me that bs that is stealing from that game when Blizzard literally has former GW2 employees working for them and blizzard has already copied Arenanets flying with dragonriding.)

    Tinker, Battlemage, and Witchdoctor are the only three classes I would love to see.


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