How to Gear Up Fast in Shadowlands

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In this video, I go over how I geared up my alt warrior really quickly.

Bajheera video for 180 2hander –


20 thoughts on “How to Gear Up Fast in Shadowlands”

  1. I don’t understand why you guys are so hung up on honor… last honor you realize conquest upgrade system is gated behind arena rating right. A small % of the PvP community is 2200+… rest not even close. When ppl realize that and see how far behind they are compared to the rest and with no way of getting gear… bye bye. Oh and bgs are a thing now since even a 2600 rated player needs to grind bg for honor to upgrade their conquest flat ilvl 200 pieces to 220 and 226 ilvl. Good luck.

  2. If your class likes versatility, or even better you only care for pvp with that particular class, the most efficent way is to do a lot of bgs, when you hit lvl60 you got a couple of thousand honor and a full deck of pvp gear. still need to do the campaign for reknown and upgrades. The good side of this is, you don't have to do any mythic0 and stack specific armor type classes and waste precious anima, needed to upgrade expensive buliding upgrades. It certainly helps, to check out what legendary you want to use as well, pvp upgrades are honor intensive. btw is there a caster equavalent to that 180 ilvl 2hand sword in maldraxxus? 😀


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