ABOUT TIME! 9.1.5 Launch Date, Timewalking Delay Because Of Endwalker?! Warcraft Weekly

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It’s a week of very welcome news! Shadowlands 9.1.5 is arriving in less than two weeks to help get us through the rest of Season 2 and the 9.2 patch, which might be later than expected!

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830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 9.1.5 patch date reaction
1:28 Timewalking/Endwalker “conspiracy”
3:36 Timewalking update
4:30 Build highlights
5:41 9.2 delay?
6:31 Season of Mastery – Ironman?
7:57 Blizzard lawsuit updates
10:25 Mage Tower Timewalking thoughts

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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33 thoughts on “ABOUT TIME! 9.1.5 Launch Date, Timewalking Delay Because Of Endwalker?! Warcraft Weekly”

  1. Soul, I quit WoW back in early June. I was hoping this came out mid to late December. I am preparing for Endwalker as we speak. It takes a few months to go through AAR-Shadowbringers.

    I wish they would do timewalking for all the xpacs. They have tons of old content. Its all wasted while we farm the same 8 boring dungeons for M+. Legion is a drop in the bucket that comes twice or three times a year…. Why don't we have a curated list of all dungeons for M+ timewalking?

    The faction division has to go. How many more xpacs are we going to have to band together? Like right now why would a kyrian Tauren paladin dislike or fight a kyrian dwarf paladin? All your doing is forcing players who want to actually do content to PAY to faction change/server hop.

    We musts needs be rid of the token of WoW. Real money has a value in a video game. Being able to purchase player power through the auction house has to go. Boosting has to go else this game will be forever marred with "PAY TO WIN" because you can purchase every service with gold(excluding highest end pvp). I'm fine with boosting in theory just not with one where the WoW token exists.

    Bots….I have spent entire days going through old and new content reporting for hours. Get a damn hold on fake ass people. Both Classic, tbcc, and live have had or have botting issues. FIX THIS SHIT. Still see multiboxing druids mass farming herbs after your tos update…..

    As far as the book/books go FULL STOP. Hire Christie Golden to help write the story. I'm tired of reading WoWhead to understand the hell is going on. I'm tired of having to to youtube to understand half of whats going on. Write it in game and not at you. The hell is a maw walker Jaina, I've know you for a decade say my name or a title I f'ing choose.

    I'm tired of Wows formula. Instead of getting me to log in from FF Endwalker for a break, they choose to make the only new content to compete with raiding in Endwalkers release schedule roughly.
    Guess I'll wait for 9.2. Blizzard creates an unhealthy game. I have 22 alts for farming because raid lockouts for 10 year old content still exists. Let alone all the grinds for other m+ characters. Why do we have the Great Vault? To protect against bad luck rolls on loot… Because content isn't what you do, its needlessly is grinding items that mostly get vendored is what you do.

    This game has alot of core design flaws that they wish to forgo to combat in appropriate jokes. Boosting is a massive issue. Rmt is a massive issue. Toxicity between players is an issue. Piss poor rewards is a massive issue. Everything in the game being a grind is an issue. There are things that should just be Fun! This game has a shell of that but can the devs think about us. Not as pay piggies but us as humans and think about the psychological damage their systems create. Should I spend a collective 100 hours grinding a mount over months because its their way or no way at all.
    Also Soul, sorry for the long text rant but as someone who likes multiple rides we call the theme park WoW the game has rot in so many places that they have a few years before we need to talk about flavor text that makes some people uncomfortable. Not saying there isn't a discussion to be had about the texts just you have a lot of rebuilding before you should worry about some sanitization of garbage.

  2. 0 interest in timewalking unless there's decent rewards, since rewards are quite worthless normal gear I have 0 interest, only thing about timewalking that could be interesting is some cool old trinkets that when scaled can be decent in current shadowlands content since we can upgrade them to 246, though if some are rly strong its gonna be fun watching people raging about it cuz they have to wait months because they what I call "bis whores" xD

  3. Y’know… I do think the content gaps in Shadowlands have been lengthier than is comfortable… but I like a bit more time between content releases than has been normal in the modern WoW expansions. There are other things I’d like to do than just endgame grinding every day.

  4. I'm just confused why anyone is excited for this patch. It brings absolutely no content. I'm done with KSM and AOTC. I'm really just messing around with alts until Endwalker comes out. If we don't see 9.2 until March/April…WoW will be straight dead for months.

  5. 1. Time Walking first week of each month.

    2. Give legion timewalking special treatment for those who have never done it (me).

    3. Have bits of the books available to read in game. (Flexible idea)

    4. Let these guys get back to work. I’m not paying a subscription for them to cater to the 1%.

  6. Hurray I will enjoy having my LF Draenei be as lovely as she is on the PTR and running some alts through. In the meantime I guess I’ll get my max levels topped off on renown, level my alts and slowly trudge through the end of ARR…

  7. Even though my mage is 250 illvl. I still do TW. The thing is, it would be nice if TW gear was valor-upgradable. Maybe not to 246, but at least current normal/heroic content: 226/239.
    This would allow faster entry into raiding for new players/alts.

  8. I'd like to see time walking include M+ version of every dungeon for the respective xpac and time walking versions of every raid from that xpac as well, I'd also like to see the item level of the gear that drops be somewhere between normal and heroic raid for current content

  9. every 2nd week for time walking, alternate between it and a brawl or perhaps start merging them together?
    So tbc and wrath are the same time.
    Cata and mop.
    Wod and legion.

    this way the cycle isn't so long and hurry up and get the other time walking raids out

  10. 9.1.5 isn't a content patch, even if you consider time walking Legion dungeons 'new content'. I doubt Activision Blizzard seriously considered this to be a competitor to a launch of a FFXIV expansion. I would categorize this as just coincidence. And the desire to get stuff out before the holiday season.

  11. If they want a specific time walking expansion to pop up more frequently they could always just run two of them same time! That way it's still a monthly event but you double the frequency of any particular one being up.

  12. im not excited for this patch at all, its once again Blizzard making a very halfassed attempt to fix things people warned were fucked up in the beginning. Couple that with the total unnecessary censorship by Twitter Activists that miscall themselves Game Devs and well thats a solid NO from me dawg. Blizzard used to be one of the greatest game companies ever, and now theyve shit the bed and rolled around in it.


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    ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .


    ん(#笑#やっぱり人参最高#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした $

    #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです#この日のライブ配信は、W #かならりやばかったですね! !


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾W#再編ありがとうです#いたもん#笑)在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品`.

  14. you did have a bit much of copium did you not it isnt the first time that blizz did some shit like this.
    the latest what comes to mind is tbc launch.
    i did wanted to come back for mage tower now not really.
    i wanted to play both games but if blizz is just trying to fomo all the time fuck it.
    i do look forward 9.2 in mai or june XD


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