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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
I think you can get a lego that buffs the shit out of your final verdict, try it out
Lol, had the same as in first clip: my ret partner hitted into war's intervene and 1-shoted him for 30k verdict.
I laugh every time I see any paladin even try and boast about PVP play. By far the MOST privileged class in the game. With Mage following closely behind lmao.
Thats what's wrong with this game right now…. don't need pvp gear to actually pvp,
My priest has 35% ver and challenger fully geared, and I got rekt by a destruction lock with no pvp gear at all just pve gear, I know this because he pst me and said get good bruh so I asked him was he fully pvp gear carrying his friend he said nope all pve and then told me to get some pve gear because pvp gear ain't worth it…. I looked him up and seen he wasn't lying….. that broke my soul…… and made me actually unsub…. I've been playing this game for like 13yrs straight everyday all day long… I just seen the game decline so bad this expansion for pvp its sad…. but yeah….. this is what I think is wrong with the game….. good video I watch everyday, love the duels you show and the info videos
palladin already broken getting more broken, rip DK, how the hell Tirion die, the most powerfull palladin, look this
Rextroy posted a one shot video using this same build a while back. Was pretty cool
I've been playing holy/ret paly since vanilla so I know this class inside and out. I've been Kyrian since the start of SL and assumed that would be my best covenant for the whole expansion, but after watching that RexTroy vid about Night Fae and now this video, I'm thinking I'm switching as soon as 9.1.5 drops. Not to mention the extra mobility I'd get with the Night Fae travel form.
For arenas ranked this is trash. Doesn't work…
Fucking cop out class
I Would say The only Class That has Not this Amount of Burst dmg is Priest They Are Not that bursty They Are Just Controling Every thing Mass diss MC or Mind Games To absrob some dmg
Monks with Dance of Chi Ji with Bone Dust brew 20k in 2 Sec
Sub Rouges Are Either Deal Too much Dmg Or Not at all
Paladin As you See One shotin
Warrior Like Sub rouges
Dh AKA the hunt
I have Not seen Any Priest Would One Shot Some Body Maybe I'm Wrong