Trade Skill Master Beginner's Guide | Shadowlands TSM 4.1 Guide

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Hope everyone enjoys my beginners TSM Guide! All spots should be chapter to make sure you save the video for reference later!



0:00 Start
01:07 Intro
01:38 Desktop App + Setup
03:07 Basic Terms
06:46 Auction House (Browse Tab)
10:19 Auction House (Auctioning Tab)
12:00 Auction House (Sniper)
12:30 Auction House (My Auctions)
14:08 TSM Panel (Dashboard)
15:07 TSM Panel (Ledger)
17:40 TSM Panel (Groups)
20:40 TSM Panel (Operations)
21:58 TSM Panel (Settings)
26:16 TSM Crafting
28:18 TSM Crafting (Gathering Tab)
29:13 TSM Crafting (Reports Tab)
30:57 TSM Crafting General


39 thoughts on “Trade Skill Master Beginner's Guide | Shadowlands TSM 4.1 Guide”

  1. Even as someone who is completely proficient in TSM watching these videos always helps in some way. And I’m glad to see content creators bringing out new goblin friendly TSM guides since TSM does have a pretty steep learning curve

  2. Thought my math classes were hard, then i watched a TSM Guide.

    Don't get me wrong you explained it really well, it's just hard to get into it in general.
    I'll watch it 2 more times to understand everything ^^

    Keep up the great work Bratan

  3. Great content! Your tone, pacing, and coverage of this kind of material is outstanding. I'm just getting into the gold making side of WoW and have really enjoyed the content you are producing. Thank you!

  4. 5:10 why do u skip the explanation of what an operation is? I have no idea. Seems like to me ure explaining the obvious part but not explaining the more unknown part
    Will continue watching though maybe ull explain it

  5. Greate Video!!! This and your other really help(ed) me to understand TSM and make some money 😉

    But for one thing I can't get an answer: On 33:51 you can see some "XXX-YYY" values in the "Craft" column. What does these mean? Other lines have just one number, other have a range value (I guess). What is this used for?

    BTW: My thinking when I saw your "Vendor Search" I lost my mind for how dumb some people are that are posting their goods for less than the vendor price. It's sad that players in TBCC are not so stupid 🙁

  6. I am trying to learn TSM, but whatever I do I keep getting "Item/group is invalid (see chat) then it says there minimum price string is invalid, but its the default. Anyone got an idea?

  7. I recently started using tsm and ran into problem

    when I'm posting items(in this case gear)
    It only says "undercutting competition" on some items. It says "posting for normal price" even when the item already is on the AH.

    I would like it to always undercut if the item already is on the AH sence the "posting for normal price" is usually much higher and with tmog gear it wouldn't sell if I dont undercut

    I have a temporary workaround buy putting "normal price" at 100% db minbuyout but I don't know if that always works out

    Is there a way to post so it always undercuts if the item is already available?

    And why does it undercut sometimes and "posts at normal price" other times?

    Would be SO thankfull for an answer😀

  8. Hi! I have a question
    Is there a way to completely ignore auctions posted by certain players, or above certain costs?
    I have 5-6 players on my server posting auctions for 1c bid and 2000g buyout to skew market prices for people using auction house addons like TSM
    It would be nice to be able to copy-paste their names, as they use a ton of weird characters to make their name super hard to type

  9. As an true beginner to TSM and auction house selling I didnt find some of the stuff in the video (at least the "basic" terms section so far) too *beginner friendly*. I found during the reading of some of the terminology theres the assumption that theres some background knowledge on a lot of this stuff which is weird in a beginner guide where its expected for everything to be explained or at least not skimmed through. For example while reading out some basic terms theres very little explanation if any on what it means besides just literally reading whats on screen.
    -Whats DB?
    -"DBRegionMinBuyoutAvg" What does "buyouts" mean in this situation?

    This happens a bit during the basic terms section where its just read out and I'm not familiar with some of the terms so I cant keep up

  10. Don't know…this is really complicated, i get it streamlines everything but i can't even figure out how to post a stack of 20. Anything i look up for beginners is to much, guess i could get into it if i really wanted to learn a whole new program.

  11. hey, someone can help my sale tab on revenue menu isnt showing the right sold item, i mean always show like Shadebound Armguard item level 156 by defeaut but no show the real item sold Shadebound Armguard item level 230, it is really confussing to me because how do i know which item restock according to the correct item level


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