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Wowhead released a new speculation theory about the WoW Shadowlands jailer not being Zovaal, I called this before it was cool.
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#Accolonn #MMORPG #Gaming
If this theory were proven to be true then at least some of this abysmal Shadowlands lore could be somewhat redeemed IMO. Primus makes for a far more interesting bad guy than the Jailer ever did because everyone thinks he's a good guy. It would be the ultimate bait and switch on his part and it could work out great if done right
Danuser isn't smart enough to come up with anything like this. It's interesting to fan wank about how the story could've been better, but nothing like this was planned. Blizzard does not have the talent.
The phrase "if he was smart" should never be applied to Steve Danuser. Ever. He is not smart…he is not a good writer. Period. End of story.
The winter queen seems to like the primus. She even calls him a friend.
None of this fake shadowlands crap written by Danuser is worthy of being called warcraft. If the ethical thing happened, and we all managed to get Danuser fired so he would stop ruining our game….and then they hired someone else new and different and competent….here's what I think she or he should do. Invalidate everything that happened in BFA and fake shadowlands…and write it off as a trick by Sargeras with his sword in Azeroth. Make it so that since Sargeras is a Titan…he was able to create some fake alternate pocket dimension where the stuff from those two expansions was presented but is fake afterall and that is not the real Shadowlands which Chris Metzen wrote many years ago. And that is not the real Sylvanas, and that is not the real Arthas, and that is not the real Ner'zhul, and that is not the real Elune. Taken in this light, none of the crap with robots has anything to do with the real warcraft lore…and that is not what the real cosmic forces of Life and Death and Light and Void and Arcane and Fel are at all. If we had that new writer to replace the disgraceful Danuser….then that new writer could devise an expansion where the real Elune appears and needs our help to revitalize the life on the surface of Azeroth and maybe grow so fast and so strong that it manages to push the Sword of Sargeras out of the planet and we discard it into the great dark beyond.
Seriously you didn't even read the article?
I was waiting DAYS for you to cover it.
The article is absolutely fucking amazing. It really has SOLID FOUNDATIONS.
Read it Acco, for god sake.
Anyone got the wowhead link??
The only problem is that Sylvanas would have to know bc we are basing this off of the image at the end of the video and the leak, so then Sylvanas walking toward and posing w/ "The Jailer" would mean that she would have to know him. Aslo, why wouldn't the Ranger General, once united, not know- I guess the Banshee Queen could be hiding it like "Total Recall". Anyway, the lack of hints and the lazy un-energetic delivery of the story plots would make all of this be "MEH"
Did I hear that wrong, Accolonn praising Steve Danuser?
Primus is known as the master strategist, right? So this theory would actually be really cool. It would at least make a totally shit story a little bit more interesting.
A side note question, where/who is using Odin’s eye? I thought he traded it so he could see into the shadowlands. Am I mistaken?
wowhead forever on cope
Besides the fact that Danuser is no where near that good of a writer, the expansion is over. And just like the giant sword stuck in the planet, Zerith Mortis will never be mentioned again.
WoW expansions only move forward. There’s never been an attempt at tying up old threads.
Even if this theory does somehow end up being correct, it really doesn't improve much. If true, it means Blizzard ret-conned damn near all of the lore and wasted multiple beloved characters so we could have a retread of the "oh but wait, there's a bigger, badder bad guy" storyline? I'd be less annoyed if the Jailer sucks because Blizzard didn't spend enough time and energy on his story. If they actually sat down and put effort into it with this being the end result, they should probably give up on having any lore at all because no story would at least avoid actively sabotaging the IP.
And there's another force controlling primus
Thats the 500D chess on implict writing. Just be really vague about your story until someone posts an article witha really well thought and interesting way to connect all the random dots you put out into the universe. And if enough of the fan base accepts it, you can say “exactly! Thats ummm what the story was all along!” Did you steal that persons idea? Or did they just guess what you were thinking? Who knows 🤔😂😂
Giving Blizzard too much credit
If Veil is close how did Khadgar traveled to Shadowlands?
It's a good theory but it's not really a good story because there is no ingame clue for it except the fact that the primus lost when it's said that he never lost a battle but that just feels like a normal plothole in the context of wow.
Name: PRIMUS. Literally means "First" in latin. The others "Eternals" seem to have a very mixed naming convention with titles and personal names. There doesn't seem to be any cohesion to this mythos which lends to the belief that this is all very botched and made to fit together but fails.