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Back with another advanced Tormented M+ route video, this time looking at ToP. I give a couple route variations for different lieutenant locations, affixes, and whether it’s tyrannical or fortified week. Make sure you subscribe to the channel to be notified when other advanced route videos are posted!
DOS Advanced Tormented Routes:
NW Advanced Tormented Routes:
Simple and Easy to Execute Tormented Routes:
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MDT Route Links:
Kul’tharok First (Varruth right after 1st boss) –
Gorechop First (Soggodon right after 1st boss) –
Interesting route. Now I just need a theater key to play with.
Thank you for another great advanced route video.
fantastic content, im really glad i found your channel. have you experimented with snapping some little guys onto kultharok? i havent tried yet but it was done in mdi i think, i was thinking of trying that to save some time
When you said Varruth & Arkolath are connected what did you mean / Thanks , great content
I have a question, on what level of key did you skip Soggodon? Because my druid tank without skipping Soggodon wouldn't survive it in +20, he takes too much damage on the scythes on tyrannical
What do your lust timings look like on tyrannical weeks? You mentioned how your route changes based on lieutenant locations, but does it change if it's a tyrannical week as well? Thank you for the great video.
Can we use invis pot skip on the skeleton mobs after mini boss? No rogue in our group tho