AFTERLIVES: Ardenweald CINEMATIC REACTION – The Fate of Ursoc | World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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AFTERLIVES is a series of short cinematics to give a little more backstory leading into the next World of Warcraft expansion SHADOWLANDS. This one follows Ara’lon as he tries to tend his “grove of souls” – unfortunately for us and him, the Anima Drought affects his very last tender.

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In this new WoW Reaction AFTERLIVES Ardenweald – we’ll see a ton more info about what happened to Ursoc when he died, and why we see Ardenweald the way we do once we arrive in Shadowlands – coming October 27th 2020.

Check out the Afterlive: Ardenweald video here:

Shadowlands Release Date Announcement here:

#ardenweald #reaction #afterlives


48 thoughts on “AFTERLIVES: Ardenweald CINEMATIC REACTION – The Fate of Ursoc | World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. Wll the drought is happening because of the maw sucking all souls in it. Now imagen you are the Winter Queen. She is the keeper of Ardenweald, which is a place that enables the reincarnation of those who died and have been send there. She has to decide if the whole cycle of reincarnation should end, in which case no soul (inclouding ursoc) would ever be reincarnated again or if she should do the unthinkable and sacrifice as many souls as needed so the cycle may continue.

  2. Agreed, I’m also very mad and sad about this, but Ara’lon had a tough call to make. Choosing Ursoc in that moment would have been selfish. And I LOVE that the Winter Queen left the choice to him, it says a lot about her character.

  3. This was a rough one for sure, man tears everywhere… Ursoc's soul, like they say… will save other lives. Kinda makes it hard not to choose this covenant, due to the souls you could save in the future. If you've played the beta you probably know who I speak of. Won't spoil anything tho 🙂 Thank you for the reaction, always a pleasure to watch!

  4. I just bawled for most of this. In terms of emotional reaction and storytelling, I think this is the best one yet. It didn't want me want to main the covenant BUT I DO want to see the story now.

  5. This is perfection. The music, the colors, the story … I can`t even.

    If I remember correctly somewhere during the Ardenweald questline it`s said that the Winter Queen is basically the mother of Ardenweald itself as she was the one who created the forest and all it`s inhabitants. Here you can really see how heartbroken she is because she has to sacrifice some of "her children" so others can live and continue the cycle.

  6. Just for some context, Sylvanas is the reason for all of this. She made a deal with the Jailer so that all souls are to be re-directed to the Maw, which has starved Ardenweald from new souls and is the reason it's dying.

    We don't know exactly when this deal was struck but many, including myself, believe Sylvanas made this deal with the Jailer during her brief time in the Maw after she flung herself off the top of Icecrown Citadel after Arthas fell, she believed she no longer had a purpose to go on as her only reason for "living" was to get revenge on Arthas. She was impaled by one of the spikes below and was sent to the Maw where she saw Arthas (hence the Afterlives: Bastion cinematic showing us how Arthas got there) and struck a deal with the Val'kyr where one of them gave Sylvanas a purpose (lead the Forsaken or they will fall apart), gave Slyvanas their life (which let Sylvanas escape the Maw) and pledge to follow Sylvanas. This is the reason why Cataclysm on-wards Sylvanas had Val'kyr with her.

    This whole deal is the reason why Sylvanas is stupidly powerful and is the reason why Arthas was so powerful with Frostmourne, because of the Jailers power. This is also the reason why during the events of BFA she burned down Teldrassil and killed for the sake of it, this was sending thousands of souls straight into the Maw.

  7. I wouldn't be surprised if Ursoc' soul especially was more powerful than a standard one since he's a wild god. He'd probably be worth tons of mortals souls. What I'm confused on so far with this tho is so souls are made of anima, and anima keeps the forest alive. But the souls we see throughout the shadowlands are sentient beings. So even in normal function does the forest consume and destroy souls to keep itself alive and only let certain ones retain their sentience and ability to be reborn?

  8. May he rest in peace in whatever comes after the shadowlands, he was… he was one good bear, at least we can say this sacrifice was one he would make himself, to protect the wild.
    May your soul be forever in our hearts oh great bear 😢

  9. Sacrifice Ursoc to save Ardenweald, or let Ardenweald perish, causing Ursoc to perish with everyone else.

    Ursoc's soul is strong and potent, capable of fueling what little remains of Ardenweald for long, giving them a chance go find a solution to the drought.

  10. What a step up from the Maldraxxus one! This almost makes me want to go Arendweald instead of Maldraxxus, but Maldraxxus t-mog too good.
    Also rip guardian druids this expansion, first they lost Ysera and now Ursoc? O O F. But it's what he would have wanted.

  11. Please note that while the others were culling the souls, they would dissipate along their staves. But, when Ara'lon took Ursoc, the soul went into that crystal and stayed there. There is still HOPE!

  12. We do know the cause of the drought tho. Isn't all of shadowlands fuelled by anima. Anima is what they use to feed the souls like ursoc back to rebirth. But the jailor is taking it all to the maw. So the jailor is the reason ursoc died, can't wait till he dies.

  13. The smile on Ursoc's spirit as he enters the egg is absolutely heartbreaking every time i see it. Ursoc absolutely would have chosen to sacrifice himself for the rest of the groves, but he shouldn't have had to. I love/hate this so much.

  14. A possible consolation is Ursoc may yet live because of the Emerald Dream and the Lifelands. When we defeated him, his soul was in 2 places at the same time, so, we'll see.

  15. I hate so much these stream live checking the chat instead of focusing thing. So modern so interactive soooo baaad.
    You only look seconds away each time but you dont know what is happening during that.
    Few minutes and the whole thing is over THEN you can read chat, share feelings, etc.

    I like this channel otherwise I wouldn't bother writing this.

    Still liked the video and gave thumbs up.


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