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0:00 Monk Hero Talent Specs In War Within Alpha/Beta
0:50 Conduit Of The Celestials Hero Talents
7:36 Shadow-Pan Hero Talents
14:01 Master Of Harmony Talents
Yes give me monk content!!
Beta hype!!
Yeah, Shado-Pan is pretty lame. I woulda liked to have seen more inspiration from other Shadow-Pan in the order, like Toashi changing tiger palm into a shadowstrike (shadow palm?) and Taran Zhu providing tanky stuff, etc.
Bringing back the legendary MoP Melee cloak procc as a talent for monks id THE GREATEST THING EVER
So did the beta actually go live today?
Yo! Dalaran you are so warm and professional, seriously great content man. Go monkeys!
I really don't think "passive" hero talent trees should be critisized to that extent. If all trees are super passive and barely more interesting than tier sets then there's an issue yes. But if there's variety in complexity it's the best solution possible. Players should have the choice in the complexity of their trees just like they can decide to play an actual spec with a rotation or press two buttons and a half as a beastmaster. It's one of the strengths of Wow's class design and respecting that for hero talents is important in my opinion. Otherwise some folks will feel either very bored or confused depending on their expectations/skill level and what they end up with.
It''s the first time I see the visuals of Master of Harmony and I'm happy to see it looks interesting visually as I was afraid it would be too discreet compared to Conduit of the Celestials. I'm really eager to try it out as a Mistweaver and spam Thunder Focus Tea like a mad lad.
Were the actual shado pan that flashy though? They seemed moreso like "peak capibility of my mortal body" type of monk, and i for one feel like the hero talents fit that perfectly
Holy shit monks are cookin