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bro finish the cinematic before going to the next one
Transmog competition incoming!!!
It was about coming together as a family! Cringiest line ever given the context. They shoulda had Vin Diesel make a cameo at that moment to nod at Kalecgos.
Great job ❤
I wish I could see live chat after ending of live..
Time to watch this cringefest of an ending, and this long slowly declining journey come to an end, I guess. And try to ignore the ignoring of the cringefest at hand.
You can get the axe they are just saying you cant bc its is a very rare drop lol
First kiss ever in WoW, and I cry every time I see it. I know a lot of people poo poo the idea of having some "love" in the game because its World of Warcraft, but honestly it was time. I have played this game for 20 years and I can tell you sometimes, the war part of wow can bare down on a person after a while. This expansions semi focus on love and family was a nice small break. Would I want a lot of this in the future? Absolutely not.
The whole backrgound of WoW is the cosmic war between the cosmic forces which are ALL needed to ballance each other out, but by this they are also extremes all on their own and don't trust each other at all, especially not their counterpart, constantly going against the other forces and for them being the one in control.
In the end they are ALL like the Jailer, just in different ways. They ALL want to "unite" the whole thing under their thumb and it doesn't matter with what goal they do it, it would always be a desaster, especially for mortals, because without balance between the forces, everything just falls part.
You could say, that Warcraft tells a story of peace and reason, because every war in it is bad one – just like in reality – and the only real solution would be, to work together and not have wars anymore.
I tried, I tried to give the wow storry of this expaansion a shot, but sadly the quallety stardet on a highnote (meh at best for wow standarts) and went down on every turn they took after release.
Realm Reborn cinemativ of FF14 was outstanding at that time – or better: it was the video Square made to end the mistake that was the first try of the game, that almost killed them off.
It was outstanding, because it showed how "evil" wins and all that is left for the old elf guy is to port the heroes through time to safety, sacrifing himself. They used that chance to end a failing game well, you can say.
Sad enough: they ruin this later, by adding up another ending to it, what is just awful, not even by what happens, but how.
Of course an explanation was needed for what this thing didn't burn everything to ash – and why no one remembered anything and the explanation isn't bad per se, but to make grandpa Elf super anime cannon ball is just… what? And it takes away from all the great seriousness of that original cinematic.
You only see it when you do the raid, though – and are told that no one should eve hear from it (almsot as if they know how much it sucks…).
Fun thing is, that the game itself then gives pretty much a big fuck about it and still brings up stuff from what no one should know – of course without any consquences, but that's overall the big problem of FF14, they just make up stuff as they please since the second addon and do not care at all anymore if it fits together, since the loud fancrowd eats it anyway.
That's why FF14 got very little lore overall (they even said themselves, that they avoid to write lore, so they can retcon things easier and write what they want) and the story is just very random and absolutely plot armor drivien. There is nothing that bind it together. You, the player character – who does not have an own free will, nor is even able to say anything – is the center of the universe and your plot armor (that mainly involves that in front of you every bad guy stops using their powers and just stands there so you can punch them to death) solves all the problems.
A plot armor the Scions have to – a group of psychopaths who exploit you, while you can't do anything against it and must follow along, no matter how often they lie to you, abuse you and how insane and evil their plans are, but the plot armor takes care of that, too, thankfully, because even their evil psycho plans work out in the end, well, untilt he point where you don't even have any plans at all anymore, you just run in, because, well, you KNOW you got plot armor, so why care?
So happy we were able to go through this journey with you. I am excited to see what is next!
Not sure if you see these comments , i know you want colab with someone and i would recommend talisin and evitail they have a simlair vibe. All the other creators can be very negative
You could consider doing a Warhammer Total War cinematic journey next. Its not as narrative driven as WoW was, since its a strategy game based of a tabletop army game, but it would still make a great series and has some great cinematics and moments in them (Trial by Fire, TW:WH3 announcement, Grand Cathay, Prophet & The Warlock, A Covenant with Chaos among others)
After being at each and every live, I missed this one because a real life meeting with an 11 year warcraft friend who has come to visit. In Game Soon! ❤
Ok… This part is sooo wrong in many ways.
Varinoth got blessed by Azorath. Who is a titan.
What does Nazdormu mean by it's not titan, it's our world ? It is a titan.
Why does Varinoth Okey with accepting titan power, and why does Iridikron Okey with it ?
You and your lady have the coolest relationship man. My wife and I have been brainstorming cosplay ideas and the intro to your streams is so inspiring lol
Re: the discussion of subtitles etc. I'm a heavy reader and enjoy the written word so much, I've had family members complain in a museum when I'll stop to read every plaque or notice that has been put up to give background or even just describe the history of the exhibit lol. However even I would not want them to place some sort of holographic written explanation over a work of art. Re: distraction / fatigue: I play with people in discord and sometimes they'll be having an entire conversation about something else while in intense game confrontations, I find tuning that out annoying and certain not something I do when learning new content, I find audio distraction or confusion (crowds, especially gatherings where you're welcome to participate in more than one of the ongoing conversations) as distracting as visual, I can ignore the chat box and get on with things much more than I can ignore people verbally emoting. Management of Discord in a raid situation is a skill and I am happy to be with a group that takes the quiet seriously and is not chatting or worse squabbling all the time.
StarCraft 2 cinematics next I hope?!??
The subtitles became mandatory nowadays because actors no longer project their voices into the microphone like in the days of old, and this paved a way to mumblers who pretend that indistinct voices make them more believable. Personally, I vehemently disagree because viewers were not given the script beforehand and do not, in fact, comprehend the essence of what the actor is saying from snippets that they can hear, so the tone and modulation of the speech does nothing to enhance what just isn't there.
In WoW, it's hit and miss, depending on how much post-processing the voices have. I've noticed that the more human characters, like Anduin and Sylvannas, are way better perceived even if their actual lines are dumb AF, compared to much more grandiose and heavily edited voices like the Jailer. Some of those cutscenes are impossible to parse without subtitles.
Fyrakk started having Senior moments so to speak because the Shadowflame was doing to him what it did to Neltharion – corrupting and warping both brain and soul.