All 4 Druid Hero Talents In The War Within Alpha! Druid of the Claw, Elune, Grove, And Wildstalker

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0:00 Druid Hero Talent Specs In War Within Alpha
1:20 Druid Of The Claw Hero Talents
12:39 Wildstalker Hero Talents
19:21 Elune’s Chosen Hero Talents
25:45 Keeper Of The Grove


10 thoughts on “All 4 Druid Hero Talents In The War Within Alpha! Druid of the Claw, Elune, Grove, And Wildstalker”

  1. It always feels like they underserve druids after everything is said and done. They start with druids during development (like Ion said, we are complicated), but after the first couple of passes, they forget about us because they have to manage the other classes. I feel like they say "okay, that's good enough for now, let's work on the other classes"

  2. Honestly the druid talents feel quite underwhelming imo. Keeper of the Grove especially. I like the focus on trees and making trees better, but I feel there are better ways to do it. I personally wouldve loved to see Keeper get a Grove Tender shapeshift that replaces Moonkin and grants a buff that stacks from your hots/dots to cause trees to spawn (literally tending to your "grove" (allied/enemy hp bars); also wouldve loved to see the return of Claws of Shirvallah from WoD for Claw Druids.

  3. I think a good way for wildpower surge to be useful, is to allow you to gain proccs of both cat and bear Ravage. Get the small amp damage of mangle with the extra rage into a bear ravage, as a feral dps.

  4. I like the Wildstalker idea, I just don't think it's fully baked yet. The soothe node really doesn't do anything for me – change the node into a bark skin/defensive focused node where it increases the DR or adds an additional shield with thorns (and add a visual) or something. Make it really pop and show we are attuned with nature. I think for Keeper of the Grove, if they change the treants into Dryads or something it would at least add a little visual flair.

  5. Idea for wildstalker. Change soothe node to a node that gives barkskin thorns that have a chance to apply bloodseeker vines. Healing has an increased chance to spread symbootic blooms while barkskin is active.


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