First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Ep.12 Westfall

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In this episode of my first playthrough of World of Warcraft Classic, I level up and finally enter Westfall to begin preparing for my first dungeon.

Join me on my journey into World of Warcraft Classic playthrough! After many recommendations, I’ve decided to dive into this iconic MMORPG. As a newcomer, I’m open to any hints and tips you have to offer.

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a beloved MMORPG released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment, set in the Warcraft universe. It’s been four years since the events of the previous game, and Azeroth awaits exploration!

WoW Classic Playlist:

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16 thoughts on “First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Ep.12 Westfall”

  1. Hey, I've been loving the videos! And I have a few tips I wanted to mention:

    First your wand, which you have bound to the "1" key, is very important. It could be used to finish off weak enemies or to deal damage without using mana. So if you're out of mana entirely you can still wand them. The wand button is a toggle, however, so if you spam the button it won't shoot very well, so just press it once and then leave it to do its work. But if you need to switch targets, or move, or cast a different spell, any of those will break the wand toggle, so you'll need to reactivate it after any of those actions.

    Secondly your food and water issues will sadly never fully go away, but they could be a bit better. For instance, you can eat food and drink water at the same time, which can make it much more efficient. But there are a lot of ranged classes that can go a long time without sitting for food or drink, sadly mages are an exception. Hunters, for example, can fight upwards of 6-10 enemies in a row without sitting to drink. But mages almost always need to drink after every fight. The way it's balanced out is that mages are the only class that can make infinite food and water for free. So when hunters need a drink they will need to either find or buy it, whereas you can just conjure more any time you need. The downside of being a mage though is also that everyone will be expecting you to conjure water for them, as they can't do it themselves. So if anyone asks you for water, especially in a dungeon group, it's polite to give them a stack or two of water. (It helps to have 3 or 4 stacks of water prepared before entering a dungeon so you have plenty to pass out should anyone ask.)

    And lastly the reason that boar attacked you around 25:40 is because you hit it with your frost nova on accident. The AOE of frost nova doesn't discriminate between enemies that are aggressive or passive, it hits everything. So be very careful using it around enemies with yellow names, especially in dungeons.

    Hope these were at all helpful, and I hope you continue enjoying your Classic Wow journey!

  2. Loving your videos!

    It takes me back to when I first played vanilla all those years ago. Everyone is giving great advice and if something really bugs you look it up but try not to sweat it too much.

    There are more efficient ways to play but people used to all be terrible at the game and get killed by the most random mobs. Just enjoy the ride!

  3. Oh Old Blanchy. The most evil horse ever to blemish the roads of Azeroth. So insanely depraved that her soul was damned to the vampiric afterlife of Revandreth. May Marc never face her true wrath.

    To make your mana regenerate faster you need to get gear with the Spirit stat. That's pretty much the only way, but it's never going to be great. Back when the game was released very few people were using voice chat, so there needed to be down time between pulls. So regen was slow (in part) to slow down groups so they could type in chat. They also did it to just make the leveling process slower, since leveling was the bulk of the game in the original game.

    Don't worry about rushing through the game to get to certain points. Leveling is the game atm. So take your time, and if you're not enjoying something just take a break and try something else. The dungeon will always be there.

    For the most part, aside from very specific cases, nothing you pick up outside of a quest will be required for a quest. Mobs will not drop quest items unless you have the quest for that item. Don't worry about selling stuff, it's not really that big of a deal. If you're going to stick with your tailoring you should keep linen and wool, but it's really not a game breaker if you sell it. You're going to need the money for leveling your skills anyway.

    Potions can be made with the alchemy profession, but you will need ingredients for it through the herbalism profession. Problem is they are both primary professions, and you can only have two. You'd need to get rid of your tailoring profession, or you'd have to buy the ingredients off the auction house. You can also just buy potions off the auction house, but they're going to be fairly expensive.

  4. We must be lucky getting videos so fast! Glad to see you getting the hang of things, only time I have ever experienced westfall myself was a hardcore paladin 🙃

    wishing you the best and a happy week like you've given us 🙂 is there any particular stuff bothering you that you'd like to know more about?

  5. Again some comments and tips 🙂

    7min: For things like those oats, sometimes there are that kind of quests, where object are all over the area. It's good to focus on doing other quests which have only single mob to kill or like that pocket watch thing. And doing those wide quests on the way. Quite often they will get naturally done during your travels and completing ths other quests.

    And those marks for oats in your map (from some addon) are more like possible spawn points for quest targets. Especially like those oats, it's propably random where they are, and the marks show just whey have seen to spawn. Just need to search enough.

    For the mana basic info. From your stats, Intelligent makes your mana pool bigger, and Spirit increases mana regeneration rate. How spirit works, is that when casting, your mana doesn't regenarete at all. There is "5 second rule", so 5 seconds after casting your last spell, mana starts to regenerate. So the tip to be efficient with mana, is to use your spells to do do like 3/4 of the required damage, then finish the mob with wand. That way the mana starts to go up even while you still do the figthing with wand. Like instead of finishing the mob with fire blast, you save the mana of fire blast spell, plus several seconds of regeneration. Result is less time spent sitting and drinking.

    Many times, then you take distance to enemies, you seems to backpedal. Try to avoid it, it's the slow way. Try to focus on turning to run or strafe, they both are same higher speed.

    There is stealth! Rogues and Druids in cat form can stealth. 🙂 But normally not any other classes.

    26min. The neutral animal agroed to you, as you used for frost nova. It's aoe (area-of-effect) spell hitting everyone in the range, want it or not. Overall it's good to be careful with any aoe spells.

    And you had long time your gear broken (marked red there near minimap). Usually you should avoid that, any broken gear doesn't give you stats, even that's not too much problem with low gear without stats. So always repair in any towns. In some earlier video you wondered if the money went to waste as you clicked the repair, it doesn't if you can click it with the cost, it always does the repairing to full durability.

    31min Hurts when seing you destroy items just next to vendor. 🙂 Always sell them at least. And for bags, preferably save them to your bank storage.

    And when vendoring, some addon marks the trash items with that "coin" mark on them at up left corner. For those, always just sell them to vendor. On others you might need to think it's worth to save for something. For example the Light Feather is important for your own spells! Your Slow Fall -spell will require 1 feather to be cast. As you see you have 6 of them in your bag, and the Slow Fall -spell in bars have little 6 shown in the icon, telling the same.

    And when you wondered why some mobs keep throwing to you after you froze them. That's how it works. Frozing just prevents them from moving. If mob has only melee kills, they can't attack for, but those are ranged mobs with that throw attack. They don't need to be in melee range to do that, same goes for caster mobs.

    Again bit much stuff to process, but I'll hope there was something helpful at least. And don't mind if you miss something, it takes some time to learn always. Just keep enjoying the game! 🙂

  6. Ah, rng loot system. It can make you cry in sadness or happiness. I remember I spent literally 2 hours hunting down npcs to drop last of required quest items. I hate wow sometimes. Imo random drop should only affect epic or legendary items not quest or common items.

    Btw, do you watch Carbot animations? He makes funny animations about games and I believe he made some about wow as well. I think you will enjoy it immensely.

  7. Some hint about mages:
    Mage can use one handed swords and daggers as a weapon (in your right hand only). You can train swords in Stormwind and Daggers in Ironforge. Just ask a guard about weapon masters. You can combine swords and daggers with special off hand items, like that green orb that you receive from mage (waterfall water sample) quest.
    The majority of swords and daggers in the game are for warriors and rogues (don't press "need" on them in the dungeons), but if you see bonus stats like + intellect; + damage done by spells and effects (frost, arcane, fire); mana regeneration; + critical hit or just + hit chance with SPELLS, etc. Than you can be sure that this weapons are for magic user classes, such as mage.

  8. I don’t remember exactly what level you unlock it but mage unlocks the skill “evocation” it’s a fairly long CD but it basically channels almost all your mana back but you must stand still to use it 👍 think it’s in the 20s?

  9. You go to fast and don't take time to take in what you learned so far, that would be my biggest criticism as a teacher. All kinds of technical skill is less important , that will come with practice.

    Let me give some examples:
    1) You are looking for Oats.. You scan the viewport (the part of the world that you can see in your monitor) only so briefly, don't see anything and conclude there ain't any. But there are! You just need to more slowly scan the area with your mouse pointer until you see some. just make sure you stand in a safe spot and take your time.
    And once you find the first, look at it! what is the graphic texture of the item? Check it so you will recognize the next one more easily..

    2) You read that the pocket watch is in Furbrow's farmhouse…. You find the farm, and immediately focus on his BARN, not his farmHOUSE . where a farmer would keep his WARDROBE

    3) You reach Sentinel Hill Watch tower, 3 soldiers stand there eagerly with their Yellow ! You go to one, learn that he wants to have a message delivered by gryphon, so you immediately run to the gryphon master, skipping the other 2 quest givers (which would order you to kill all kinds of Defias smugglers and bandits, you know the guys you were killing anyway already because they seem to smuggle mostly Oats….. and pop up everywhere to bother you ) So now you will kill more smugglers, without getting any reward for it, and then you will find the quest eventually and have to do it again once more….


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