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Many people hate PVP but stil wana get the plunderstorm mounts or the pets or the transmogs, this way is the easiest and the fastest way to get them without engaging in any form of pvp
Thx for this one! I hate Plunderstorm but I really like to collect most of the stuff
I run in to the fog
I personally do not like this game / plunderstorm but this sounds doable to me, I will not play activly myslef as i tried last time and just did not get along with it, but just to get the few things I would like this sounds like what I need to do.
thanks for this guide though.
Fantastic idea. I'm not a fan of plunderstorm or PVP in general, but this will make it bearable.
Got more than enough Mounts, and i dont personally care for the transmogs available, so the entire Blunderstorm is a pass for me, there isnt any " real" gear to get so i dont see the point.Thx for the vid tho, if i "was" interested in any of the rewards this would be a great guide.
I do PvP in Plunderstorm – about 20-25% of the games I get ganked by someone 😀 The rest of the time I just run into the storm.
If you only get 1200 per a day and you missed the plunder one from last yr your looking at a long time.
I learn to log in on off times like 12am est nobody is really on.