All the lore you NEED to know for The War Within

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34 thoughts on “All the lore you NEED to know for The War Within”

  1. Crazy that the YouTube channels that make these kinds if videos absolutely know more than the actual writers at Blizzard do about the lore. Half the game is intentional AND unintentional retcons at this point.

  2. So….in the same paragraph….nearly the same sentence, you pronounce the word "Archmage" two different ways? And then you actually publish that instead of editing it? How insulting to your viewers.

  3. I do believe some of the personal stories will develop in the expansion. They all have some personal wars going on- Thrall losing the elements, the human thing losing the light, they all have wars within themselves so it would make sense that they develop a bit 😂

  4. "anduin dealing with trauma" is everything that's wrong with wow.
    In shadowlands I just skipped all the cinematics cause it was just a bunch of depressed pussies talking about their feelings.


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