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Heart of Azeroth: 0:00 – 3:46
Boralus Harbor: 3:47 – 7:02
World Quests: 7:03 – 7:44
Nazjatar: 7:45 – 10:54
Mechagon: 10:55 – 11:58
Azerite Essences: 11:59 – 15:46
N’zoth Invasions: 15:47 – 23:26
In this video I will show how a fresh lvl 60 shadowlands character can go through and unlock every zone and content inside of BFA. Including heart of azeroth, world quests, flying, mechagon, nazjatar, azerite essences, n’zoth invasions, legendary cloak, and horrific visions.
Watch me stream LIVE at:
i was searching for a way to unlock mechanomes and fuck me this helped a lot to get to mechagone
really apprieciate it Thanks a lot man
Thank you this is incredible. I gave up on unlocking invasions because it was just so confusing but now I'm going to unlock them thanks to you.
is this also how i unlock horrific visions?
Thank you for this info at 11:37 (how to insta skip to mechagon)
Appreciate the video, couldn't find any info on this anywhere, anyone who can't speak to Anduin, just party sync with someone less than level 50 and he will be there again 😊
Bfa sucks
Mechagon doesn't start unlocking until you unlock World Quests in Nazjatar
Thank you for this…a huge help.
Thank you so much! <3
So for me I have done this on 2 other characters so far, my main and an alt. Now on my 2nd alt for some reason Anduin Wrynn isn't sitting on the throne to start "An Unwelcome Advisor". I have checked many times and I've done everything up to this point. I did start a questline by mistake in the castle so I'm not sure if that's the reason but instead, High Exarch Turalyon is on the throne. Pls help!
this game is so fucking shit when it comes to quests and old content. you saved me a stroke holy shit thank you so much
Do you need to be a certain level to accept the quest to get the heart of Azeroth? I could be wrong, but I think bfa is currently scaled to your level, but I think some quest might still require a certain level. I just made my first lightforged Draenei and I am currently level 29. I've been playing through bfa already, but I still don't have my heart of Azeroth yet. I've been wanting to level up with n'zoth content.
Very Helpful man Thanks!
He does not speak to me, I have finished all of boralus and no one is offering the quest to start the Nazjatar questline.
You are a fucking god amongst men
so hard to find clear info about all this on wowhead and such. thank u sm for putting it all into a video 🙂
So grateful for this guide
thank you so much!
Anyone know how to get send the fleet mission to activate? or other ways to unlock the nazjatar questline? ive done all of kul tiras main questlines, a nation united achievement, reached level 50, gotten the Azeroth heart, reached honoured rep with the 3 factions and yet still, Genn, Cyrus and Halford wont talk to me to give me any quests to start. Do i also need to have a horde character level 50 to unite Zuldazar as well beforehand? What am i missing?
Thanks Man this helped me alot !
LEGEND! Thank you for making this! Still super helpful to this day!
Blizz outdid themselves with this BS
you have no idea how amazing this video is. As a new player to WoW I've been extremely disappointed in the content that creators have put out for such an old game. Literally not the any of the first page videos on youtube shows the simple breadcrumb quest that you do which is all i needed. THANK YOU
I literally have Kul Tiras loremaster achievement and still haven't been able to open Nazjatar
The gnome isn't there for mechagon no matter what I do
Someone Buy this man a Beer!!!!, Thank you very much.
Thanks I tired to read the guides made no sense, but you saved me.
Just rolled my Evoker today. This was super helpful!!