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It sure seems as if Delves affected the momentum of M+ progression! Numerous reports and stories from players spin a tale of rampant leavers and failed keys but are Delves the only thing to blame? And as we settle in with Delves let’s talk about how the feature will be handled in the next season, and who might be our new companion?
Parts of today’s thumbnail sourced by Reddit user nightstalker314
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Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
0:00 Intro
0:52 Delves: a snapshot
3:49 Delve speculation for next season
9:06 Delve system changes, what some are asking for
14:21 Mythic Plus in trouble? What’s to blame?
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totally agree, delves saved the expansion, and M+ is horribly toxic atm and very annoying, both the tuning and that you have to do a 9+ to get the mythic crests !! why on earth change that too !
I joined late, but my guilds been raiding so I’ve been using delves to catch up to a point where I can join without being a carry
Love Delves, think runed crests should drop, or increase at tier 8 towards tier 11 , and maybe in season two with higher tiers of delves gilded. I Love it and am enjoying it every single time I am inside.
I am an inbetweener on Delves. 8's are probably too easy, but they also drop gear thats too low, so overall, they are probably balanced. I AOTC raid, and M+ (6-8s currently). I run delves as a fun thing to do when i just can't group up (mostly when I have limited time to focus). I've definately walked away from a delve mid run for 30 minutes before because RL happens. That for me is what delves are for. I'd love to see harder delves with better gear, but totally understand the balance. It seems like there would be no harm in going up into heroic gear more or offering a way to ensure heroic gear.
I think that the next Delve NPC will be Elise Starseeker. I would prefer Reno Jackson but he is already a part of a delve event.
Delves are fun… No more mythics + struggles with unfun people
I enjoyed doing zekvir to get the delves track reward finished, After bountifuls and carrying guildmates
Not going to do delves anymore
Blizzard are being autistic
Ive been playing wow for nearly 20 years and I was into doing keys up to maybe 15 but since they got rid of the 0-9 keys I am leaning on this being my last year playing.
this exp feel so dead to me dont have anyone to play with is the sosial point of the game, have switched so many guilds lately dont fit in anywhere, this is depresing AF
I think it would be fine to let Bountiful Delves drop guild Gilded Crests.
Also, You should'nt be rewarded Myth Track gear from Delves, B/c is largely unnecessary for the content. In a few weeks youll be able to do 8s Naked b/c bran hard carrys lol😊
as a big goblin fan, I need to know where you got that shirt
I think the next delve companions will be Reno and Sir Finley. Choose Reno for dps or Finley for heals.
I like that delves help me practice how to deal with mechanics alone that I can’t get out in the open world
imo delves are not the problem with m+ its the fact that i have to sit in a menu trying to get into a group for 20 mins then when i finally get into one we get 1 or 2 bosses deep in the m+ wipe a couple times and everyone leaves wasting 30-40 mins at a time they i dont mind wiping and people leaving but the fact i cant que for m+ and have to sit in a menu applying to groups constantly is just a waste of time id rather do other things i can solo a t8 delve but cant complete a +4 with a pug group to save my life either make m+ que able or make delves solo only
So I only tank in M+ as in raid I dps since we already have two tanks, I am not the greatest warrior tank, but i'd like to think I am on the "good" side of the spectrum. 3K Io last season, 2371 io so far, my biggest gripe is how the tuning is just wild. Dawnbreaker has adds that can solo fuck you up, doesn't matter how many defensives you have up. Necrotic Wake is insane from start to finish, overtly tight timer and the idiotic reliance on needing spears to kill 3rd boss. Didn't kill him? GG key dead.
On the flipside, other keys are beyond easy. If Mists didn't have that annoying guessing game, it would literally be unbrickable. Ara Kara is easy. CoT is only hard on if people can't position. Like, if there was some sort of baseline difficulty it would be much easier to use the keys as a barometer of where you should be, how you're doing, and what to do.
@SoulSoBreezy GOD, I hope they won't mess up Delves… Are they good, great?… NOPE… Are they, Delves,, flawless, perfect?… HACK NOPE… Rewarding?…. Not really , BUT at least there's decent chance of getting something that speople could convert into Tier Sets AND/OR get some starter weapons / jewelry / accessories…
Could delves be on par with +MKeystones, not at all BUT AT LEAST in Delves no freaking body woule mess up my run and / OR leave and fu** up key…
Been setting comms, addons, WA's, pings for +MKeystone runs AND ALL OF A SUDDEN, in +6 or7 etc, A Healer would leave with out one damn letter typed and run was just perfect, with likr 7 to 8 mins ahead of a timer in Tirna or Grim Batol or The Dawnbreaker…
Who's there to blame? That guy, a healer who left, or one of three dps's that wasn't High Class Top Pro Profile player BUT DIDN'T REALLY ANYTHING BAD? Or. me, damn Warrior Tank? At my age, you really lost an edge to get mad at random, internet people, kiddoes to be more percise.. But enough of BULLFU*INGSHI*S are enough, been happening for 8 years by now and these keys runs EITHER SHOULD BE SCRAPPED & REMADE OR REMOVED FROM GAME and replace with something else… One BullShi after another, over and over again since Legion… I don't get those Blizz boiz no. more, as if I got too old OR they haven't learn a single. thing
Here thing thing, M+ takes 35-45 minutes and if you don’t complete you get nothing but 50g or someone in the group could possibly get a piece of loot. Now for delves there is no timer and you get keys which at t8 you have a better chance of getting a piece of gear . My point is you get more out of a delve vs doing an M+ but you need 7 or higher keys for m+ to upgrade you gear further
Blizzard can fix all these issues if they are not so greedy after engagement metrics. Delves should give up to mytht track gear just as m+ and raids can. It should be easy to understand and challenging to achieve, but not impossibly challenging unless you get ever .1 point of ilvl and specific stats, thats just not feasible for todays gaming era. Dont forget, players are not enough 13 yr olds anymore and blizz still goes back on their words of respecting players time. M+ ppl are complaining because blizz doesnt fix m+ shortcmmings its as simple as that.
Am I missing something? There is no M+ going on.
First time I’ve heard of people complaining that delves are causing problems in keys. The dungeon scaling would be a bigger problem
yay 0's are like 10s in the last few xpacs, now i dont have a safe space too learn mechanics and now can no longer run M+ with my guild. god im so salty
I love Delves and hate all these people who are complaining about them and the gear being too high. I love the challenge for solo and especially enjoy actually feeling like my time is worth something. I've run raid with my guild ever single week and have gotten literally nothing because my RNG is that bad so at least delves gives me a chance TO get gear and actually feel like I'm progressing. Without them I would quit!
Over the years I have raided and done Mythic + dungeons. However I have played alone most of the past few expansions, which means I am behind in the dungeon mechanics now. I love the delves because I can learn at my own pace without feeling like I am holding the group back by not knowing the fight. I am also sick to death of the zoomers in group content. Delves have returned my love for the game and the need to use more mechanics than my movement boosts. I feel like there is a reason to keep logging in and I was about to throw in the towel after almost 20 years of playing. I still do Mythic + with my husband, son and a few guildies when we all have time to hop onto Discord but I will not do them with strangers anymore.
Elites losers…. Boooohoooo it took 15 more minutes.
Mythic + Used to be the most fun part of wow. Raiderio killed it. back in Legion you could easily spam 10 keys/ day with no issue. Now it takes an hour just to get into a pug. and 80% of the time after the first wipe the group disbands. Everything has become so meta focused. If you don't have a guild group/ clique to run keys with it is horrific.