Anduin Raid Finale Cinematic Reaction | World of Warcraft

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Jesse reacts to seeing the Anduin cinematic from World of Warcraft patch 9.2 for the first time. After defeating Anduin in Sepulcher of the First Ones, the fate of our boy prince is finally decided. Have 20+ years led to this very moment? Or is it off the rails?

Jesse has spent the last 15 years playing World of Warcraft, and before that Warcraft 1-3. What does this long time fan think of where the series has gone?

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#WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands #Reaction


29 thoughts on “Anduin Raid Finale Cinematic Reaction | World of Warcraft”

  1. Jesse makes a lot of sense with the "Are we really needed here?" comment. With no stake from our personal character, what we're watching is Blizzard playing with itself. We're watching them play solitaire expecting to be applauded when they clear the board. Our character for all their purported importance have no voice, no input, we are told "Alright, it's time for story, stand offscreen so the big kids can put on their 2nd grade play." Our character is essentially the little glowy arthas ball. Sometimes it gets to stand there and do nothing while being talked at until it's over.

  2. I suppose I can accept that Anduin can come back from the bring of becoming a full death knight because Blizzard devs even admitted that Arthas never actually died until he put on the crown, though his soul was swallowed up by Frostmourne a long time ago. It could be a combination of Anduin is a freshly turned death knight as well as his resistance, the resistance of Arthas' soul in the creation of this blade and the plot armor of having two father figures from either faction guiding him, but I think they kept Anduin on the very edge of turning just long enough to let him escape being damned. It's a bit contrived in my opinion. First of all, there are death knights accepted in both the Alliance and the Horde, why not have Anduin stay a freed death knight and still king of Stormwind? If anything he would be more sympathetic to the Alliance death knights and may be able to have something in common with the horde. That would have been interesting.

  3. For me it was pretty impactful.
    as for villains returning… well u have Kel'thuzad xD
    Also old gods, like N'zoth, yes… his still alive, it was all a trick/vision, end of bfa. xD

  4. What is so weird to me is that neither Uther, who was Arthas mentor and a father figure, and Jaina, who was Arthas friend and a love interest for the longest time don't even get to say their part much less good bye, that is what hurts me the most about this cinematic.

  5. I don't know, it just doesn't feel weighted.

    Characters that could have appeared don't and those that do play such a small role. You could cut most of the characters out and what would change? Sylvanas has been granted mercy while Arthas is condemned for arguably lesser crimes. IF they actually made Arthas have a role in this rather than Arthas 2.0, then there would be much more weight even if the two most important people to him literally just look on without saying what could be their last words to him. Just like Shadowlands as a whole, the moment is just disappointing.

  6. A man's epitaph belongs to those who loved him. In the case of Arthas, that is his father, Calia, Jaina, Uther, or even Varian. Arthas and Varian were raised together like brothers in their formative years. It is true that Arthas was a pivotal moment in Windrunner's story, but she was no more than road kill to him, just another speed bump in his path. It is not at all fitting that she should have the last word on Arthas Menethil. For my money, it is Sylvanas who deserves to drop dead, dry up, and blow away.

  7. I'd argue that the player character taking Anduins place in the scene would make it far less impactful. That scene is more about him growing and having his father figures guide him into his own strength. Just picturing a tauren or a troll be trying to destroy the sword and having Varian and Saurfang show up to give you a pep talk hits less. I think the main issue is that it wasn't built up proper. They've lain some threads of Anduin being sympathetic, but we don't really KNOW him, especially if the players Horde. We haven't spent good quality and meaningful time with these characters, so we're less invested in their struggle

  8. ff14 You are the main character, WoW you are a side character. You are Shino (bug guy from naurto cause no one can remember the poor guy), You are Piccolo from DBZ. You are important but not that important. To me it comes from who made the game. FF14 is a single player game with multiplayer elements. As I have heard it described. It is a RPGMMO not a MMORPG. WoW came from Warcraft III a strategy game that while had good story, the game was never about that. You got to play with the hero on a large number of missions, but most of the time, the hero was not the focus the side characters were the random Peon trained to be a warrior or a shaman and then sent off and died. Final Fantasy You generally played as 1 or a few people, but you could normally tell who the main character was. 4 cecil, 6, Most people will argue terra, but lowkey Locke, 7 Squall (I keed cloud), 8 Squall, 9 Zidane (vivi lets be honest:P), 10 Titus, 12 Vaan, This is where I stopped playing Final Fantasy games outside of FF14. But yeah The way Blizzard tells the story is fine, the problem is who they have had telling it cause they have sucked for the past 4 or so expansions.

  9. Wow's story is what ever you and your friends create, your stories about the raids you went through, the drama you forged. In FF14 the story is what the devs created for you and that you got to play.

  10. I stopped caring about the lore after The Frozen Throne.. I kinda gave up on it in the Burning Crusade, but I wanted to see how the thing with Arthas ended..

    But honestly.. I started losing interest in the lore at the end of The Burning Crusade since thats when they started to retcon the story that I knew and loved from Warcraft 3

  11. I play(ed) Horde, so I have no idea what's important about that sword. GG Blizz!

    Edit: I mean, I know that it was Varian's sword or something, and Anduin has it now, and the Jailer used rune magic on it or something… but I have no idea about its history or anything of real significance. Blizzard just uses emotional music to IMPLY importance and gravity without actually demonstrating it to the players in a substantive way.

    Also, gave you a like on this because you're one of few other people I've seen who appreciates how horrible it was for them to ret-con Ner'zhul out of existence.

  12. I know people got bent out of shape over how Arthas was done but tbh I'm glad they did, stop bringing him back. Arthas had a cool story that ended in Wrath, there was no reason to bring him back in SL, just let him phase out of memory and that's exactly what they did. But I think it has more impact than that, Arthas never stopped trying to gain power and an edge even before he claimed Frostmourne, to see him stripped down with nothing left, not even a soul to judge seems like a fitting punishment for someone who couldn't stop gaining power, its ironic to not only see that power stripped but everything even his soul stripped away. Slyvanas certainly earned the speech she gave…Uther just accepted it but Jaina should have had some dialogue as well, FFS they were basically lovers.

  13. Dude, the player taking the place of Anduin would be a good idea…in a single player game. I did not like how player centric the story has become since BFA.

    Let me just be "random alliance/horde champion #92139124712" instead of "THIS IS THE CHOSEN ONE!!!…like all your friends"


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