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LET’S CHECK OUT THE RET PALADIN RANKS. In this video we will examine how much dps ret paladins are doing in heroic and mythic raids, also what percentage of players completing mythic plus are ret. Overall we’ll see if ret paladins are any good in shadowlands and if they are worth rolling at all. Concluding the analysis I’d recommend paladins to anyone interested as they have great single target and aoe damage. In most cases ret paladins aren’t the top dps but they are in the top 100 for many encounters and paladins are completing mythic plus at very high levels.
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Kyrian ability divine toll procs up to 5 judgements it’s really good
eventually I might switch and try prot pally as well but for now trying to get really good with ret. I’m about 192 ilvl right now
Whats the site for this?
Not gonna lie you might have convinced me to roll pally
what website is that?
Lots of prot paladins play a talent that gives them 2 charges of judgment, and it also has a much shorter CD as prot, so on single target encounters like shriek, you end up with it being the front-runner for damage.
Can u give me the link for top tier classes?
Personally I think Ret pallies need a buff to compete with the other classes.
Its the covedent for the judgments to get max damage. And the rests to the same with seraphin kirian covendent and it pops off
Paladin players please delete your class and throw your computer out the window. Or play a class that requires a braincell
A possible explanation for Mythic sun king is that Ret paladins can provide off healing instead of doing damage which is why the damage they are dealing is lower.
Prot Pala has a 5 sec CD on judgment with two charges, and if he used a talent grand crusader that resets CD and empowers avengers shield also resets CD on judgement
My guild is saying that I mega downgraded when I went from mm hunter to ret Pala. But honestly, there's not that big of a difference. I can easily get strong enough to complete mythic raid and do atleast 15 keys
Those looked like venthyr abilities but my boomer eyes can't see