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Could these 6 classes be the NEXT classes to come to WoW after Shadowlands?
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It has been years since we last received a class and let’s be real there are so many potential classes that could be added to World of Warcraft. We have everything from the Warcraft 3 hero units such as the Blademaster, Shadowhunter and engineer to new concepts such as the necromancer, voidwalker and Dark Ranger.
So are some of these new classes to come to WoW?
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What do you think is the next class to be added to WoW? Also, check out the sponsor of this video – indie MMORPG Scars of Honor and support the development
I can get behind the tinker class, since there's several races that'd fit that lorewise (If Blizz doesn't do away with class restrictions) and there technically is already characters who has the class: Mekkatorque and Gallywix/Gazlowe. The Tinker could have the following specs, inspired by the original Goblin tinker:
– Factory: Dps, producing robots to serve as pets or miniature cannon towers.
– Mech: Tank, hide inside a huge mech that can generate shields and self-repair.
– Field tester: Ranged dps, focusing on guns, rockets and bombs, providing mechanical buffs.
The others: Nope.
Aside from tinker everyone else sonds more like a spec than a class really
Honestly, for awhile I've been thinking what would make the most sense is something like the voidwalker as you mentioned, and would be like a void version of the paladin, as you mentioned. Huh, but maybe make it so you can choose to be healer, tank or dps spec.
Give Blademasters as a spec to warriors, with the spec changing the armor specialization to leather would be interesting 🤔
I would like to see this ideers as specs rather then classes. Make it an special spac, you have to unlock via an fun quest line. For example:
For blademaster, it would be viable for rogues and warriors.
I know it is difficult with the existing spells, but I think you can use the slasses basics, merch them and add some fun stuff. It adds more to the game and the classes.
You could do the same for darkranger with hunters and (shardow) priests.
Combine the Graven Ones and Necromancers, and you could just have them be a new order that's been combating the Mindless Scourge while we have been away, this could give us some story of whats been happening on Azeroth while we have been gone
The tinker would be very nice as an class, as for the others they can also be for the already existed classes as an 4th spec, for instance an tank warlock that is all about cursing himself more demonic becoming more tankier or an melee mage that is like an rogue wizard or an tank shaman where they give themselves rock skin, I also would like to try out an warlock healer where he’s all about sacrificing his own health to heal.
I mean they could never go wrong by just going to project ascension and taking some of those classes hehe
I want Ogre's and Necromancers
Laugh in conquest of azeroth
Instead of a new class i think it would be cool if they added a new spec for all classes something that brakes the old concepts like a shadowhunter with throwing for hunters or a ranged steatlh rouges aka dark rangers or necromancer warlocks it would be something fresh for an old repetative concept
I'd rather they add more specs to classes than new classes themselves. Like voodoo or death spec for priests, domination spec for DKs etc.
I know it's an existing class, but I've been saying for years, I believe an unholy DK should be a caster class,focusing on necromancy, and dark magics, would actually have a second class to wear caster plate like holy pali
All I ever wanted was a Diablo 2 style Necromancer. Too late now though. I've quit.
For me to come back they must atleast make a 5-10 years skip and actually remake the whole of azeroth
I’ve been waiting a cleric classic that exclusive to gnome and goblin. Wears MAIL and can dps, heal and tank. Just the basics
Dark Ranger…! #NuffSaid
How about fell knight?you know.. from legion broken shore.
The best solution would be the 4th spec system.
Add a 4th spec to every class (Druids a fifth lol)
1) Warriors – Blade Masters or gladiators (1h and shield dps, like the talent they removed in WoD).
2) Paladins – Templar (A spec that uses a big shield and a two handed sword for melee dps)
3) Shamans – Shadow hunters or Earthwarden? (can tank using totems and powerful elementals?)
4) Hunter – Dark Ranger/ mercenary a dual weilding pistol + long rifle badass that focus on short range combat and melee combat but can use his rifle to kill if he is far enough.
5) Rogue – Void Walker (Like lillian boss: Magic + melee, could be similiar to sub. But more enfasis on the spell part of the void and less on stealth/melee)
6) Mage – Time Battlemage/Chronomancer (a caster with melee capabilities that use time to prevent/buff/extend the life and dead of their enemies/friends trough the use of time manipulation)
7) Death knight – Necromancers (you all know what is this, a caster/melee spec that raises the dead to aid him in battle) or Molten Knight? A fire/lava based melee spec (would work like blood dps use to work in wrath) Bolvar dks anyone?
8) Druid – Nightmare (another caster type spec that uses emerald nightmare corrupted nature spells to do damage to his enemies)
9) Priest – (i have no idea tbh) Maybe a pure HOLY CASTER range dps? We can call it PURGE WEAVER? lol
10) Monk – (not sure about this one, maybe a chi based caster?)
11) Demon hunter – Arcane walker (Illidan used to be a mage, pretty strong in arcane magics. Since the end of Legion, He found a way to channel Arcane energies in Melee combat and now that he is back! he is going to train his demon hunters as fighters that can use their "arcana" a mix between fury/energy/ and mana they basically channel arcane magic into their boodies and use it like the use FEL, Fel and Arcane are fundamentally oppose it to each other so this is going to be an interation like priest have with shadow and light).
12) Warlocks (i have no idea bth) Maybe a druid type of thing but as demons? maybe you turn into a big demon (like the old demonology, pre-demon hunters) get new melee abilities that help you fight in melee as a big bad ass spec. debuffing your enemies with two dots that increase the melee damge they take from your attacks?
Necromancer could be a warlock spec, What about shadow paladin? Surely theres no reason for shadow paladin to not exist since they are just melee priests right?
Warden. It is obvious. There is only 2 mail armor user class in the game, so its time to extend thos who can wield it and wardens are perfect because they are a warrior+rogue+mage hybrid so they could be an aweson class. It could be a melee dps and ranged dps. (A spell user specialization and a weapon user specialization). We have enough tank and healer class and its time to give a brutal dps class.
I like this. But how about just give every class a new spec instead? (Dark ranger could just be hunter but a new spec, and shamans could get the new spec of shadow hunter etc..)And even make some specs “race” specific (like tinker to mechagnomes, gnomes, dwarfs). I don’t see why this would be a bad idea since they are also talking about cross faction raiding soon.
They all sound too similar to existing classes, in my opinion. Except for maybe the Tinker.
How about adding a melee class with elune power? For example they could have a heal spec called priest of Elune . And a tank and Melee DPS. Like Paladin or Demon Hunter but with Elune power. They can use some thing like Night Warrior in it like tyrande thet can use warglaves and i think it whoud be so cool !
I wish they would get rid of the Alliance and Horde and have a 3 faction system (like New World) Light vs Void vs Death(or undeath)
I would like a night elf priest class . One that can fight tyrande with bow and draws on elune powers or a night warrior class or warden.
Necromancer = unholy DK + affliction warlock. Shadow hunter = rogue + shaman. Blademaster = Arms Warrior, but with just swords. Dark ranger = hunter + shadow priest. Now, thinker or mechanist (whatever you call it) is something cool. It can be ranged (bombs, rifles and stuff), melee (sort of like a shredder type) and tank (some heavy armored robot stuff). I would add bard, warden and maybe a shapeshifter to the list.
Let wow die.
Kill it if you have to.
Some of these were really cool ideas, another one I'd like to see is a Spellbreaker class.
All new classes has been choosen from heroes Arthas Pandaren Brewmaster illidan and i think its time for Maiev and Warden class
Class skins would be a great addition to give us a fresh new take on some of the oldest specs in the game and reduce class bloat and unreasonable balance issues.Tinker survival hunter class skin,blade master Arms warrior class skin, Dark Ranger MM class skin, shadow hunter enhance shaman class skin(replace shocks with shots) Necromancer demonology warlock class skin, Void Knight Paladin class skin. Blood mage fire mage skin, Drust/witch balance druid skin.