Arikara: The (False?) Spirit of Vengeance | World of Warcraft

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Happy Friday, everybody! Today, we brave the harsh landscape of Thousand Needles to investigate an ancient tauren tale reborn: Arikara, the spirit of vengeance. Is the Earth Mother responsible for a valid retribution, or are bad actors to blame for a political plot?

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)

Background Music:
– “Westfall” and “Tavern (Tauren)” from the WoW OST

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery

Jediwarlock 2024


25 thoughts on “Arikara: The (False?) Spirit of Vengeance | World of Warcraft”

  1. me and a friend were talking about the earthmother, elune (Mu'she) and An'she, aka Azeroth, the big moon, and sun in wow lore. my friend brought up a good point. if elune and the earth mother are a thing, why is An'she not a thing? is the Sun a Naaru? great video as always. stay gold.

  2. Magatha is definitely not "painted as a Bloodhoof loyalist" in Vanilla WoW. It's no secret she's still in charge of the Grimtotems we fight all over Kalimdor, constantly sparring with Cairne over the future of the tauren. That much is spelled out in the game manual itself. She's his chief rival and allowed in Thunder Bluff ("where tauren of all tribes are welcome") BECAUSE she is so respected (as seen with people like Motega Firemane showing such deference to her).

    Will always appreciate the mystery of quests like this one though, where there's clearly more going on, but the game doesn't spell it out. I always figured Magatha was trying to save herself from Arikara given her own shady history, but the idea she potentially engineered an appearance by "the spirit of vengeance" to strike down her political rival is intriguing. Quite literally.

  3. My understanding was that anyone with a lot of vengeance in their heart could summon (or manifest subconsciously) Arikara. With that in mind, my theory is that Makaba Flathoof summoned it in vengeance for the razing of Camp Aparaje, and the target is Magatha herself, and that's why she lies about the real target and wants to stop it.

  4. honestly i always figured arikara was going after magatha for the crimes of the grimtotem, or that it was manifested by her to justify taking cairne out. she schemes and lies and it was no secret shed do away with cairne if she could even before she actually did in cataclysm 🤔

  5. I might have said this already but I’m a huge fan of the little voiced sections you do! They add so much more character than just having an AI read them. Stellar video as always!

  6. Hi Jedi!

    I wish there was more lore for the Grimtotem beyond just "we're bad and untrustworthy and violent for the sake of internal strife". The orcish Shadow Council has good lore for being bad. The human Defias Brotherhood has good lore for being bad. The Grimtotem? Nah.

  7. Thank you so much for these videos 🙂 Really enjoy the lore of the game and you always find stories and theories that i'm not familiar with. Can't wait for the next one! Thanks again

  8. I would love to know about more quests that deal with Tauren and The Earth Mother, please. This is fascinating. And exciting! I enjoy your videos like this and the one about the Red Ridge rocks. They just fill in small details that fill out this world. So thank you!

  9. I always thought they would use Magatha as maybe a raid boss or at least a dungeon boss . I know in Cata she got some powerful item from the Twilight Hammer guys but im pretty sure she loses that in the Shammy campaign in Legion and her current location is unknown.

    I would be nice to see her in a future deal where she could be the final boss in a story line involving the Tauren and perhaps leading to a new dungeon in the old world

  10. I know this is bit of an aside, but given where things are heading in retail wow, I hope they make some Tauren npc front and center when they finally commune with the world-spirit. I mean – they have worshipped the Earth mother all this time. It would be a shame to not utilize that angle somehow and shoehorn one of their usuals (Jaina, Sylvanas, whoever) in instead.


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