Arms Warrior HUGE DPS Rotation Guide! Shadowlands 9.0.2.

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Arms Warrior HUGE DPS Rotation Guide! Shadowlands 9.0.2.
Today I’ll be teaching you guys everything you need to know about
the arms warrior rotation in order to perform well and pump out
max dps!
If you’re interested in talents, conduits, gear, etc etc, I covered all
of that in this video here :
0:00 Intro
1:10 Covenants
2:15 Quick mention of leggo/talents
4:00 Why I generally dislike “priority lists”
5:30 Signet Info
8:10 Single Target Burst / In Execute
14:33 Single Target Not In Execute
17:40 Cleave / Multi Target
19:44 AoE Rotation
26:53 Charge Tip
28:08 Outro
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29 thoughts on “Arms Warrior HUGE DPS Rotation Guide! Shadowlands 9.0.2.”

  1. "I don't want to have the video end up being 30 minutes long" – @28 minutes. 😀 Your content is great, calm collected and pedagogic. Thanks for explaning shit for a week old wowplayer. Big ups!

  2. So you don't desync Avatar and Raveger since in case both proc Rec the uptime of rec gets summed up? Is it like that or do I misunderstand? Thanks for the guide!!

  3. Hey, thanks for the great warrior content! I Have a question regarding the talents, is skullsplitter 100% the way to go? I've seen a lot of people claiming that sudden death performs better for a venthyr and have personally been running that since launch but given your suggestion i think i'll make the switch. Is it purely just a bigger dps increase with the minimal downtime as opposed to the free condemns every now and then? Thanks again 🙂

  4. On my gear OP deals 469 (nice) dmg more then slam… concidering that my next mortal strike is hitting the target.
    I would say charge tip is super inportand there is just no excuse for not doing it especialy as condem warrior it gets you (if done right) like 5% dmg increase or more.
    Other nice trick is to delay Condem as mouch as possible before your stacks of ashen juggernaut fall of(only while you are not bursting ofc) because this ensures that all your condems are spend with 40 rage and you can easy save up rage for colossus smash or other dps events from the boss.
    Not "minmaxing" with arms drains about 10-15% dmg therefore I would not call it minmaxing I would just call it playing arms correctly because there is not that mouch to the spec if you count out those litle tricks you can and should do…
    I think by naming it "Minmaxing" you discurrage less invested or skilled players to use this tricks and play the game right.
    This isnt suppose to be a blame just something you might want to think about still like your content 🙂

  5. thanks for the vid, helped a lot.
    As a suggestion, you could get the "trufiGCD" Addon and only use it when you make clips for your Youtube guides if you don't like it. It basically shows us what you press exactly so it's an added visual key for us viewers and you can spend more time talking why you do stuff… 😀

  6. I'm happy to see that you've finally changed your speech from "venthyr is the only playable covenant and others will only ever keep getting outscaled" to "i've seen some logs of kyrian and night fae doing well". It's a start, a very good start. Thank you very much for not being blocked eternally 😀


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