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first easy mode
Almost first
nice mount studen
Nice book I'm late wtf
whats the addon called you use to show the value of the items?
Another Epic video
you also have to get 75 jewelcrafting from outland 🙁 still a good way to make gold tho
Ill take a look at this tonight 🙂 thx
For what ppl are buying this ?
Well You can also murder it in righteous orbs now cause the lazy will still buy them at 750g-1k which means your gonna make like 30k a hour running the dungeon.. or just buy them up low and stack til may when the tower comes back
You can also get +3 Gems for one Mark of Honor each
Books been 50% off for mutiple years. Is it even a sale or an attempt at value manipulation of your book…. it's a very shady method to inflating your value.
Wheres the vendor that sells the cut gem patterns? is it in the raid? or somewhere else?
Keep up the excellent work my man. You’re one of the only wow content creators who have truly helped me gain more gold then I could ever wish for.
Another great video as always. Im thinking of resubing for a month. Just to check main and bank alts. I use to run TBC stuff for giggles and pretty sure with gems being horrible vendor pricing i stashed em up.
Waters are 10g! On altar of storms
Where do I get the recipes from?
where you farm the gems ?
Hey Studen, pretty sure you don’t do much PVP but would be super cool to know what you think about lvl 20 Twinks and if you have considered making one
Was farming motes and then gun dropped. 85k on my realm! 😀
This is actually clickbait, even penguins2gt, she called you out for being 90% clickbait, no one is making insane money on anything you've spoken about in this video……
legit just talking out of your butt, we have actual math, logic, and 100+ hours worth of spreadsheet data…..this is why real people hate youtubers and bs streamers, you guys don't know what your talking about and just bait low information people to watch your crap.
Good Day Studen. So I need legion jewelcrafting and mining?
Perfect Guide it really works !! buying your guide soon !