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Arthas did nothing wrong (Invincible Remix) (SOON!)
(NOt! for fun. VERY! Serious)
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Patch 9.2 (Eternity’s End)
(reflects many centuries of development)
Prince Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron
Knight of the Silver Hand and The Lich King
Banshee Queen Entertainment,
they turned him… into nothing … a 35 anima
.. i was like WTF!
MUSIC Sample : Suramar Sombre Music – Blizzard Entertainment
VIDEO Sample : Shadowlands, Anduin The Broken Crown – Blizzard Entertainment
MUSIC Sample : Arthas Menethil 2.0 REBORN! (Invincible Remix) – Royal Phalanx Gaming / Music
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Royal Phalanx Gaming
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Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron
Knight of the Silver Hand and The Lich King
Banshee Queen Entertainment,
turned him… into 35 anima
Arthas & Jaina😢💔
Arthas Menethil 2.0 REBORN!, Invincible Remix (Long live: King Arthas Menethil)
I don't get it?…
at the end he should say ; Father
Really hope Bizzards writers can give Arthas a better ending……😔
Arthas was literally the only one willing to sacrifice everything for the well being of others
There was no other way to save stratholme, quarantining stratholme would be pointless because mal'ganis would come to collect the city's populace as undead and bolster the undead scourge so it was literally a lose lose situation for arthas he either had to destroy stratholme to stop it from becoming a threat or let it become an undead stronghold that will cause more problems in the future
I swear shadowlands story is Written by ChatGPT
The fact that both Sylvanas and Jaina gets to live, prove that the game is entirely made to put them on top of everyone else.
Both of them committed atrocities that were obviously useless, and only driven by some genocidal will.
But since they're the Blizzgirls, they were not only pardonned, but they also got to tbag Arthas on his last moment of life.
Arthas was right XD