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  1. maybe more people would be able to answer you in chat if you didnt ban 90% of your viewerbase 😆90% of your viewers cant chat/are too scared to chat and get banned when you get in your hourly bad mood cycle

  2. Antibiotics can be called in to a pharmacy by a Provider without a written order. But unless it is a provider is very familiar with you, they generally will want to see you in clinic for an examination beforehand. But if you have a Provider you trust who is familiar with your issue- then they certainly could just call it in and you go pick up your meds at the pharmacy. I work in the medical field

  3. I guarantee you your stomach problems are from a shit diet. You're right, most doctors are useless and they'll prescribe you with shit that won't fix the problem (in fact it may make it far worse in the long term), but give you temporary relief.

    This is the hard part that no one wants to hear because it's much easier said than done, but: You NEED to eat healthier.

    You can start to fix all these problems by eating healthy. A good starting point would be to focus on eating vegetables, a variety of fruits, nuts, legumes (beans and lentils), and the more lean meat, like chicken, turkey, and any seafood. Start by getting in 2-3 servings of veggies a day and 2 fruits. Then do the same with nuts, then legumes, then healthy dairy, etc etc. Slowly weed out ALL refined or processed sugar from your diet.

    You gut is your second brain – look it up and have a read about the microbiome. Without getting too detailed, the state of your microbiome has an ENORMOUS influence on health and disease. <3

  4. don't take the antibiotics they will just make you worse. change your diet, stop eating garbage food like you have been for your whole life. idk if you still do it but i saw you eating sugar cereals and drinking lots of soda for years. take a high quality probiotic pill 2-3 times a day before your meals, and eat soft nutrient dense foods. lookup "heal your gut guy" on youtube if you really want to fix your problem. its a lot of hard work and dedication, but maybe you can do it. the key is to do the research and heal yourself, the medical system in america will just lie to you and take your money while making you worse.

  5. in my country u need prescription from the doctor to buy the hardcore antibiotics , so i guess u would need too , idk how costly it is to go to the doctor to examine and prescribe u antibiotics ( in my country is literally free) , but thats what u should do prob , u have taken these antibiotics once , they might have worked , they might not have ( as far as i understand u have gotten them already once) , but i would suggest u go to a doctor and explain him what happens , he is qualified , not twitch chat , nor youtube chat is qualified, best decision would be to go to the doctor to get a new prescription , i would bet u wont be able to get the antibiotics anyways. go to the doctor :C ( in my country its literally free, bulgaria , and we are kinda poor af , which makes it just more sad that u have to pay so much…. ) dont play games with ur health , its not a debuff tahts gonna end 😀 u cant bubble that , there is the real possibility u have Hemorrhoids if blood is coming out aswell 😀 i have had that , many people who sit a lot have had it , its literally nothing , so i would not be surprised if u have that .

  6. how much blood is comming out of you when you poop? I used to have bad stomach issues and most where caused by massive amounts of stress and a bad diet. When I went to the toilet I had to push hard and when I wiped there would be some blood on the paper. The blood was caused by a small rupture, nothing bad, but at the time i would go crazy everytime i saw it. Something that really helped me was going to see an osteopath or physical therapist, they can help teaching you relaxation techniques and massage your stomach musles so you can poop normally again and so your stomach doesnt feel upset.

    Those arent very expensive and you dont need to go to hospital. I mean I pay 60 euro for 1 session at an osteopath and it feels life changing everytime.

    I would really suggest you go see one before you go to the hospital, since your problems arent even solved after going to the hospital. maybe its not a medical issue but more a mental/physical one.

    Reply if you need more info.

  7. May have a lot of causes. Too much sport, a diet low in fiber, anxiety. Is hard to find the cause so you might try different things. I know how you feel since i have noone and nothing and try to push everyday as much as i can but you gonna calm down my friend. You been having a lot of anxiety since i know your channel a lot of years ago. I had a problem peeing blood and almost died from an anxiety attack that day. There's nothing worse for health than anxiety and angriness. Im not a doctor but i hope this might help you. Keep going you are a legend we are together in this same life situation and we gonna keep out of this sh7t soon. Blessings.

  8. So, you have no family in the USA, why are you still there? Go live on another country that doesn't suck all your money while being a streamer. You can live like a king with 2000€ a month in a lot of countries with decent health care. Also, asking for medical advice on twitch/YouTube is like hitting the bottom.

  9. If the "stuff" you refere to is blood then you either have hemoroids internal(no pain) or external (pain) very common. It might be something serious like cancer but that is unlikely in your age.
    Antibiotics kill you gut bacteria biome so you also need to take probiotics when you decide to take antibiotics again. Try to increase you fiber intake from food or buy a fiber supplements. Also drink a lot of water that will soften your stool. Also you can not buy antibiotics without a prescription. Don't eat processed food. PS: I'm not a doctor.

  10. Hey mies, i have IBD (unknown stomach disease that i was born with supposedly) and i have experienced a lot with stomachpain. I have spent over thousands on my stomach problems. have had an upper and lower GI done on me with no help for pain or 'stuff' coming out that shouldn't. I will say this though go to your local health department and they should be able to diagnose you with something similar and give you any help and answer any questinos you might have for them for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE. I've tried buying antibiotics from the pharmacy and they declined me because it could be detrimental to your health if youre taking antibiotics with a disease it wouldn't help. only proper diagnosis and treatment will. They put me on a BRAT diet. (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) and that helped with pain somewhat and discomfort having easier foods on the stomach while youre experiencing pain. I still to this day have no real help for it. doctors gave up and told me to deal with it in my small area. I wish you the luck and i hope you see this and get the help you NEED. Before my dad passed away he told me i have 1 body and to take care of it unlike him. He was poor stressing about money and wouldnt get help and it ended him. massive heart attack. Please take care of yourself.

  11. You gotta start eating better and drinking water. Fasting helps heal. Depending how long you fast dead/weak cells die off and are replaced by new fresh cells. I lost 100lbs used to be a unhealthy slob. Doctors won’t tell you to fast because it makes them zero $. Doctors will eventually be replaced by AI as you can see it’s coming sooner than later

  12. Yeah for all the people who tried to help this guy… I hope you all know what I have known. You can't truly help another person it's not possible – they have to see for themselves that they are wrong in order to be changed. I've been suggesting to the Miestro that his anger is killing him and he needs to go to his parents and forgive them. One can not live and harbor hatred against their own father and mother. God's love is the real deal and only it can save you

  13. Stress is a huge killer man, keep as chill as you can. Relax, drink water. Just be healthy overall. Don't consume fake ingredients, high fructose. Etc. If it's bright red, that usually means you have a internal hymroid. That's not to bad, just can be caused by pushing hard. If stomach is hurting that's a sign of where it's at in your intestinal chain. (I too hate Doctor's, Thieves). If it gets that bad though, and is dark red, that's internal bleeding, and needs to be seen ASAP. "Look up a gastrologist." You do have people though around you man. So don't feel a lone. Someone is always around the corner. 😁👍

  14. Go to the health center in the woodlands. They are always good and professional. Also yes u need to see a new doc to get a new prescription from the new doc.

  15. this guy is so full shit man i honestly would hope he gets mental health and stop using people for money and reactions, has to be one of the most toxic gamers ive ever seen and this is another reason he is banned everywhere and nobody will play with him, his own family has pushed him away because the way he acts and treats people

  16. I would see a different doctor and maybe it will be more helpful than the hospital people to make sure you are ok.

    To answer your question though, yes you could call them and they might call it in but if they don’t know you they might want to see you again before doing this. It’s why I recommend seeing someone else as you are calling the original people useless. I hope get in better health miestro you have brought me a lot of laughs over the years


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