Arthas Is Inside ANDUIN'S Blade?!

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Has Arthas been inside Anduin’s Kingsmourne blade this entire time?
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

It’s been a long time since the Sylvanas’ choice cinematic when she ‘broke’ Anduin and turned him into a servant of the Jailer. However as 9.1 Chains of Domination is all but finished at this point and there are no signs of Arthas there has been speculation that the former Lich King has been hiding in plain sight all along.

What if the crystal that the Jailer pulled out of the portal that was forged into Kingsmourne, the mournblade version of Shalamayne is actually Arthas’ soul directly from the Maw. Could his insane anima powers actually be the engine behind Anduin’s mind control?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


45 thoughts on “Arthas Is Inside ANDUIN'S Blade?!”

  1. And there u go people…. As we expected they ruined Arthas before he is even shown in he Shadowlands…. One of the most stupid things that they could have do is put the best and most iconic character of their product in a damn crystal that is atached to a damn sword…. If this is actually true im litterary done with WOW!!!

  2. I want to know where Varian is. WARRIORS PROTECT PRIESTS AND PRIESTS HEAL WARRIORS! It is how it is. (Yes I’m a priest and yes I love warriors 😀 and they love to intervene).

  3. I think Anduin is Arthas’ vessel. When Anduin is under mind control , he is actually controlled by Arthas. That’s why Uther watched him as if he knew him. I think

  4. I'm going to repost my comment because i've had legit anxiety episodes just thinking about this –
    Considering these are the people that burned Teldrassil to sell and expansion and have a warfront background, the people that had N'zoth and Nazjatar in ONE PATCH , the people that forgot to give the Jailer a personality…I want them to stay as far away from Arthas as possible!

  5. It’s most likely Nathanos. They have kinda set it up where we should be seeing him again but we aren’t. Also Sylvanas doesn’t know where he is. The have kinda set it up they nathanos is being used as the battery for anduins sword since that cinematic with Tyrande and Sylvanas

  6. I don’t think a character as big as arthas would be trapped in a crystal in a sword, kind of sounds like an injustice I think.

    Here’s what would be cool, we all know frostmourne takes half of the soul. Arthas went to the maw as a death knight. Although it looked like his morality was coming back as he was dying, I think it was just the natural process of death.

    That being said the part of Arthas that went to the maw would be the evil dk arthas. We find him and he’s still evil in line with the jailer.

    I think it would be cool if we found his child soul (the good moral part that wasn’t claimed by frostmourne, like how Uthers other half went to Bastion) and we do a quest line that involves arthas child soul confronting the evil arthas and results in the merging of the souls to where we get an adult arthas with his morality and justice back, like he was in the beginning of Warcraft 3

  7. Troll souls go to Ardenweald or the Other Side? Well… why aren't Saurfang and Durotan in Maldraxxus? Is this that thing where there are "countless' realms behind the arbiter in the Shadowlands.

  8. If arthas could have at any point been considered a "holy lifebringer" before picking up Frostmourne, his soul is probably inside torghast.

    Other soul crystals we see there are Guardian of Naxxramas, Grand Magister, Blood Queen, Betrayed Father, Golden King, Arch Magus Mentor (medivh?), and Champion of Peace.

  9. I think it does. I think that Uther will met the MC'ed anduin and be the one thats able to break the MC because he will speak to the fragment of arthas that the Jailer is controlling.

  10. Arthas' soul was not in the vault, so the sword theory makes sense.

    Ve'nari is quite a shady character, I would totally be down with her finding Arthas in the maw and providing him safe haven all this time.

  11. Imagine all the old gods we killed in the previous expansions to be found in the maw and once again cause Havoc outside of Zovaal's control, only for them to be held in check by our great ruler Arthas >.< fuck dude, BlizzardActivision can go anywhere at this point.

  12. When Arthas first touched Frostmoune, their essences combined. As we destroyed Frostmourne, the remnants of the domination magic that made Frostmourne so special were now only within Arthas' own soul. Thats why I believe Zooval kept Arthas' soul separate from the rest.

  13. Doronmovies I always have a Theory that they are trying to reveal Arthas as Anduins father. It's a weird theory but i think somehow Arthas and Jaina ended up having a child he is blonde hair blue eyes just like Jaina and Arthas.

    1) Arthas is strong in the light not Varian he was a warrior
    2) Anduin looks just like Arthas, He has a horse that has a connection to Invincible's bloodline
    3) Anduin had a mother blonde hair blue eyes but the father aka Varian had Black/Brown hair with brown eyes.

    Let me know what you think, I know it's weird but come on lets be honest "Aunt" Jaina who is acting motherly to Anduin the whole thing makes sense

  14. we are going to see Arthas 100%. In "A New Path" campaign, when we get Uther's memory form Torghust we see along with other memories a memory called "A Betrayed Father". The Father is obviously Menethil betrayed by Arthas his son. This is not put there by mistake or for no reason by the development team.


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