ARCANE MAGE GUIDE 9.1 | Kyrian Harmony Best rotation, gear, & talents ft. Toegrinder – Shadowlands

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I teamed up with Toegrinder to teach you everything you need to know about Kyrian Arcane Mage in Shadowlands. Fire got nerfed? No problem. This Arcane Mage 9.1 guide goes over the best rotation, covenants, conduits, legendaries, talents, and more.

Have questions? Leave a comment or connect on other platforms:

Shoutout to Theamara and the Arcane Dream Discord as well for being the brains behind this build!

What is in this guide?
00:00 – Intro (Best Spec for 9.1)
01:21 – Fire Nerfs / Spec Swap
02:00 – Arcane vs Frost
03:14 – Why Kyrian?
03:35 – Traditional Arcane Basics
04:03 – Kyrian Harmony Basics
05:09 – Best 9.1 Soulbinds and Conduits
05:56 – Best 9.1 Talents
08:26 – Best 9.1 Legendaries
08:50 – Arcane Bombardment Rotation
10:11 – Best 9.1 Covenant
10:24 – Best Trinkets
10:56 – Best Stats (and how to sim yourself)
11:53 – Domination Sockets and Gems
12:55 – Rotation Intro
14:40 – Opener Cooldowns
17:09 – Rune of Power
19:14 – Rotation for dummies
20:24 – Mini Burn Basics
21:49 – AOE and Mythic+
23:31 – Advanced
27:53 – Outro

The best stats for Kyrian Harmony Arcane Mages are Mastery, Crit, then Verse and Haste. Other stats will vary a bit so I suggest you sim your character on raidbots.

Best legendary is Arcane Harmony. Arcane Bombardment is also good.

Bloodymallet stats:

Toegrinder’s Mage Sims:

Rune of Power tracker Weak Aura:

MiniBars Link:

HUD Link (broken into parts):

Arcane Power Macro:
#showtooltip Arcane Power
/cast Berserking(Racial)
/use 14
/castsequence reset=30 Arcane Power, Arcane Blast

PoM Macro:
/stopmacro [channeling:Arcane Missiles]
/castsequence reset=30 Presence of Mind, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast

Macro to Hardcast Arcane Blast:
#showtooltip Arcane Blast
/cancelaura Presence of Mind
/cast Arcane Blast

(Follow instructions in README file. Note- Arcane UI for 9.1 isn’t available yet, will come soon. Weak aura hud is available)

Dorovon Castbar

Bloodymallet Trinkets:

9.1 Soulbinds with Conduits

9.1 Talents

Written guide via Toegrinder:

My macros are showing up as hastags so I’m going to add my own:
#Arcane #Shadowlands #Kyrian #Harmony

Reminder to thank your mage theorycrafters in the Altered Time discord for all the work that do! Guides like this wouldn’t be possible without our fantastic Mage theorycrafters.


49 thoughts on “ARCANE MAGE GUIDE 9.1 | Kyrian Harmony Best rotation, gear, & talents ft. Toegrinder – Shadowlands”

  1. still a little confused on the rotation maybe im just overthinking it by alot but do you plan on putting out another video on the rotation kinda of like a more in depth guide? ill eventually get the rotation down im just used to being fire and pressing a couple buttons lol

  2. Thanks to you and the theorycrafters for doing the thinking for my smooth brain. I'm excited to try this. I'm still a tad confused on why we use Frostbolt/Fireblast though. Is it just to offset Radiant Spark to make the TotM window more forgiving?

  3. I've been looking it up and still don't understand why you would cast a frost bolt if you can't seem to fit in 5 arcane blasts in your touch window. Is it because frost does about the same damage as an arcane blast but travels faster?? Apologies, I'm old and can't read.

  4. Finally arcane will be viable again I missed my mage. I always hated the fire play style and I don’t like the rng of frost although I do find it fun but arcane is….*chef’s kiss* just right

  5. If you use Frost bolt after Radiant Spark, do you then only use 3 Arcane Blasts then Barrage on the 4th Arcane blast since the frost bolt is replacing one of the arcane blasts in the normal rotation?

  6. Is there an easy place i can look at rotation order just like there was that image on the mage discord for fire rotation? It took me forever to get use to fire as is and now switching to kyrian arcane is just making me more nervous.

  7. currently im rolling with 10% haste with my arcane, and sometimes, i have difficulties with fitting the barrage in time for TOTM, the frost bolt trick is gonna be helpful

  8. I'm playing fire for the last 4 years, haven't touch arcane since then.. Looking your guide makes me feel that I wanna try it for 9.1 not because "it's op" but because i found it really interesting. My question is: Is it worth to leave a spec I love playing and switch to something that I'm gonna be totally new to it? (Can learn fast).. Also it's the covenant issue that I can't just practice this build by staying night fae. Is Arcane Infinite worth trying it ONLY if you are Kyrian? or can just practice the spec/legendary without having to switch covenant (for now)?

    PS: Going for both High M+ and mythic progression on this season as well

  9. Thanks for the great video yet again Preheat. I just switched to Kyrian arcane and while it's challenging since I've played fire for the past 2 expacs, I'm getting used to it thanks to the video.

  10. Big shout out to Theamara, Brofessor Hemlock and Apmbillion. (Sorry if I missed others) They’re the first few content creators that does the theorycrafting on Arcane way back to 3 months ago and proved that arcane does work even in 9.0. Glad to see fire got nerf and arcane becomes the meta

  11. I am lost a bit. I think the opener goes RoP, AM to 18 stacks, RS, TotM , Arcane Power Macro (which has a ABlast in it) ….. But we are already at 4 AC stacks (due to totm) So should the macro have ABarrage instead of ABlast at the end? Then AO and ABlast to 5 stacks (or use POM) and que a ABarrage? Seems like que are generating too many AC than we can hold.

  12. It's sad how there was no mention of Theamara and the other guys that have been working on optimizing the rotations for the build throughout the whole tier.

  13. Do I use arcane missiles at all during AoE situations? Or is it just spam explosion to 4 charges and barrage after? Once the initial burn is done that is

  14. 1. Totm is coming of the cd, lets say 5 seconds left and u have 2 ab stacked. Are u continuing to build to 4 then barrage delaying totm use or u barrage with 2 stacks in order not to delay totm too much or u spam arcsne missiles and once totm is rdy u use it asap

  15. Chad necro lord arcana with perfect burst and synergy with EO vs virgin Kyrian. Metasheeps so metasheeps. Also its kind of fascinating situation. Arcane rotation is hard mode of mage's spec, with 20 sec of pre-burn fishing for CC proc, and then un-movable burn. So it will be funny to see rivers of tears when metasheeps, after receiving commands from their YT-bers overlords, will try at mass switch inro arcana. I mean the fire is obviously the most easy and mobile spec even with nerfs, while arcana is more punishing by raid mechanics. I wonder how many metasheeps would dare to revolt aginst YT meta, and stay fire or frost just for simplicity of it.

  16. The only thing that I don't really get, is what i should do when I don't have cd's. Do i just spam arcane missiles? But woon't that make me run out of mana


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