Asmogan Reacts to This is World of WarCraft by @CarbotAnimations

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10 thoughts on “Asmogan Reacts to This is World of WarCraft by @CarbotAnimations”

  1. Younger people do not understand what games like Everquest, Lineage 2 and WoW meant at the time they came out. Those were the first real online fantasy worlds. Nowadays the mmos are dime a dozen, but at that time they were the biggest thing on the internet. Player interactions were THE thing.

  2. Lazy Americans killed the game = WOW made the game easier because they couldnt play it = So they nerf the talent trees = Then American players didnt want to grind to get mounts and weapons = so WOW basically gave the mounts and weapons away if you paid up front for them.

    First 5 years of WOW = legit best gaming experience online

  3. That video hurt so much. I remember the first time I got to play a game with others – I grew up in very rural areas, and was in the foster system so I moved around all the time so friendships I made at the schools never lasted. However, when I was finally able to have a computer – which came way later for me than most kids, since a lot of the places I lived were so rural they straight up didn't have a lot of things that are considered very basic, like tv, internet service and at a few points, electricity or running water – and I was able to do enough work to get a game, WoW was a lifechanger for me. I could have friends that stayed with me even when I moved somewhere – as long as I had a computer and could get online, I could play WoW with the guild I'd become part of. I had people who would be with me wherever I went, friendships that lasted longer than a few months, and we made memories with teamwork and playing.

    As time went on, sure some people moved on with their lives or different things happened, but the core feelings tended to stay. I was in one guild for YEARS, the two guild leads were a married couple who helped me through some really hard times since I had no reliable adults in my life at that point IRL to talk to or get any kind of support from. They were basically my parents in a strange way for a long time. Then, sadly some drama happened with another guild lead – a close IRL friend of theirs – and things slowly fell apart and the guild ended up falling apart. I was devastated, but the game was still important to me. I kept playing. There were other guilds, other friendships.

    The expacs were so exciting at first – something new didn't come along that often, and a new race or class to play was amazing! And the game gave you so much new lore and all to explore, such gigantic new worlds! Wrath was the best, I think. I didn't like Legion at all, or WoD – they were rather dark and depressing and I wasn't really enjoying how much the entire world was focusing on YOU YOU YOU now. You used to play as just an adventurer, having adventures and contributing to a whole to save the world – now, YOU were the only hope, YOU were the ONE AND ONLY who can save the world! Not you and your friends, JUST YOU! I liked MoP, but mostly for the aesthetic and the more bright, hopeful notes and all it brought. Then we started going right back down to depression town again.

    With each expac, everything became more focused on the solo player, not community efforts and playing with friends. People weren't grouping up to do things nearly as much anymore, so things had to be made easy enough that a single player could do them alone. No more group quests, no more making a group with your friends to do a dungeon – they just did everything FOR you, holding your hand to an extent that you might as well have drawn a stick-figure dragon on a sheet of paper and crossed it out to 'defeat' it, and that'd be about as satisfying. You didn't need friends to do things anymore, haha, what is this, a multiplayer game or something? So you can play with other people? PSSSH!

    Then, the microtransactions that aren't even micro. What's the point in grinding for an awesome looking mount when someone can just slap down some cash and get one that looks a thousand times better? Why go through the effort of leveling up a new character when you can just boost them and skip all that stupid stuff like 'questing' and 'exploring' and 'experiencing the world'?

    I decided to give dragonflight a shot after hearing a lot of good things about it and seeing the dogs, which look a lot like one of my dogs. I made a brand new character and decided to level them up the old-fashioned way. Do you want to know how long it took me to hit 60 with them? Three days.

    Three. Days.

    There is so much lore, so much in the world to explore and experience, but…why bother? When you can just zip straight to the end? Why bother looking around and exploring and learning how the world works and how to get advantages, when everything is just handed to you? When you get handed a giant trophy for just showing up, when you used to have to actually TRY – side by side with friends, preferably – to get a smaller reward? Sure, that smaller reward was so much more satisfying…but it wasn't as big and shiny as the new trophy!

  4. Watching this video never fails to make me tear up, lol. In a time of so many variables, things changing, etc… thinking back on old WoW, the friends and memories I made.. it almost seems impossible to find that again. It was a magical time, came out at the perfect time, the socializing with one another, the way the game was made.. Much love to ya man, we hurt right there with you.

  5. What the WoW players that get weepy at this cartoon don't understand is that this exact situation had been happening to EVERY other MMO BECAUSE of WoW. I was a SWG player and was in an amazing guild but one by one they all left for WoW. Because I was so bitter, instead of following them, I tried CoH and found a great supergroup there but again one by one they all left for WoW. It happened again and again with AoC, SWTOR, and Rift. By the time my searing hatred for WoW had subsided it was the beginning of the Legion expansion and so I tried it and found a fun guild and spent a couple good years with them. Then when BFA came around and one by one all my guildmates left to play other games all I could do was laugh. Then I went to GW2 because I'm not a weeb.

  6. I remember I did myself a huge disservice by playing Horde on a low pop server during vanilla. I was in a guild that was working on clearing raids like BWL and AQ. Then Naxx dropped. My guild obviously couldn't clear Naxx. So we had a plan to gear up a solid raid group to finally go into Naxx. After a few months, our main tank finally got Thunderfury. Literally the whole guild went to complete the quest. People took screen shots. Posted on forums. We were all excited we did this together. Then not even half an hour after. The main tank left the guild. About 20 more of the most geared raiders left the guild. They all joined one of the better horde guilds on the server. My guild tried to continue and keep it alive. After the first raid night. When we struggled to even fill the raid. After wiping multiple times on first BWL boss. The guild leader disbanded the guild. She abandoned everyone, and ended up joining the best horde guild on the server, because her BF was an officer in that guild. During that time I mained a rogue, with a shadow priest alt. No guild needed or wanted rogues or "dps" priests. That server was also atleast 10 alliance players per 1 horde players. So where 1-2 horde guilds were clearing raid content. There was like 8-9+ alliance guilds clearing content. I ended up leveling an alliance rogue to 60. Joined a decent guild. I got way better gear on my allie rogue in a couple months. Compared to my horde rogue that I had played for years. Honestly for the last 6 months of vanilla. All I did on a daily basis was hunter down and kill all my former guild members that abandoned our guild.

  7. Normally I dont give a Fuck on this React-Videos…..but this is not like the others….This Guy shows Feelings, just like me and its all true…..I play WoW since Vanilla 2006 an I start crying because of the Emotions and Tons of Truth in this Carbot-Artwork…….thanks Blizzard for all the good Times but they are all gone and will never come back and for that I hate Blizzard….and love them same Time😢


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