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THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION! After the release of Shadowlands Asmongold must choose his covenant between: the Kyrian Covenant, the Necrolord Covenant, the Night Fae Covenant and the Venthyr Covenant. Covenants are one of the most important features of the new WoW expansion along with its soulbinds and conduits system. Will Asmongold regret his decision or did he choose actually the best covenant with the best conduits and the best soulbinds?…
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Then you find out that Kyrian with it`s spear is a better choice for PvP, feels bad man xD
He thinks he is the only dood with that covenant. Lol
The best one for my class is night faye but I cant get over the fairy shit
"It's just a phase mom!"
Venthyr or bastion for pvp?
Asmondgold is so famous, he even got Kermit in the background making noises
Lol nothing but armor set and mount matters in this choice
Imagine not choosing necro
Lmao enjoy Ion's grind for you $$$
Asmongold said "yeah let's choose the covenant" clickbait, but in reality we knew he'll choose venthyr since the beginning.
This realm fits him well – and the sets, jesus christ they look like Castlevania so much I might go there as my warlock or shaman.
"Asmongold is one of the proud creatures <spins his swords, puts in the scabbard; roars>"
venthyr gear looks awesome but everyone is gonna be wearing it which automatically makes it shit
The ending hahhahhahhaahaha
Asmongold SOY WOJAK FACE Chooses SOY WOJAK FACE His SOY WOJAK FACE Shadowlands Covenant
Venthir look like reskined Nightborn.
9:05 the eyebrow dance.
It's that Parralax/The Mummy thing, everytime there's an evil monster, they lock him up and don't destroy him. In case they need it for the plot later on LOL
can we have less of this greasy low t incels on discord please
haha what a garbage. you have to pay for the expansion and then pay extra and lootboxes to complete the battle pass. and the blizzard simps milk their credit cards without hesitation
Bro you’re just talking to talk …
They ripped the DOS2 story…
Venthyr is the gayest choice possible, and I love it ♥️
Of course this douche picked the gae vampires
I wonder what his eyebrows would do if they ever saw sunlight
the orange lighting really isnt helping lmao
Has he found the dreadlord spy diary yet
that first box opening is like a foreshadowing of asmongold's loot in this whole expansion
I felt so bad when I saw the badass Maldraxxus Warlock MOG and had to choose Kyrian instead D:
i still cant wrap my head around how someone can dedicate 80% of their life to this game, play it 16 horus a day for 15 years, play one class and still have zero knowledge about the classes and their abiltiies and be the most casual you can get
how does the outfit that makes him look like groot better than the armor from kyrian
How long would it take to join a covenant if you start on a new account?
no more titanforging
gets shield while loot spec active is fury
Vampires gay lmao.
So many whamen leaders so woke so wow 👏👏👏👏
tbh, i dont think the covenant abilities are too much off of each other. they are all good in their own way in my opinion
Be careful if you decide to switch, unless you already have torghast etc unlocked you won’t be able to do it until reset. I learned this the hard way after choosing the wrong covenant
shield for a fury warrior what a fucin disepointment LMAO
he has some upgrades in his bag waiting to be equipted
I swear he beats off to wow models
So gringe, only "good" adjective he has is, Bad Ass. Kinda get's inflated when used to cover everything. Not everything can be bad ass.
Asmon, you look healthier recently. Good job chief.
the "SIMP" coven Asmon was talking about, the only reason i joined them was because they were my BiS for my class, im a warlock
lmfao look at his eyes everytime he talks holy fuck got me rollin
ugh i wanna go venthyr but hunter options are blah
I’m lvl 51 on bastion question did I do something wrong? I’m so confused playing this expansion I’m coming from classi
SHIELLDDDD :))))))))