Asmongold Compares ALL WoW Login Screens After Shadowlands First Look

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1 GAME! 8 EXPANSIONS! Asmongold logs into the Shadowlands Pre-Patch for the first time ever and decides to compare the new log in screen to ALL the previous one,

1. World of Warcraft: Vanilla (2004)

2. Burning Crusade: TBC (2007)

3. Wrath of the Lich King: WoTLK (2008)

4. Cataclysm (2010)

5. Mists of Pandaria: MoP (2012)

6. Warlords of Draenor: WoD (2014)

7. Legion (2016)

8. Battle for Azeroth: BfA (2018)

8. Shadowlands (2020)

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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36 thoughts on “Asmongold Compares ALL WoW Login Screens After Shadowlands First Look”

  1. MoP was so awesome for the casual player. I'm sorry, but MoP actually provided content "for the rest of us" after Cata's failed attempt to cater to the hardcore. Hardcores whined in Wrath that things were getting "TOO EZ!" and then Blizz tries to make heroics near-impossible, and then they had to nerf it when the vast majority of players couldn't clear the dungeons, and the rest of the expansion was rather "meh" because it just felt off, like they wanted to go hardcore, but they knew they couldn't.

    So, in Mists, they decided to design a lot of world content for casuals, and make the raids harder for hardcores, and I feel it worked. As a casual, I had a lot to do. And I hear that some of the raids were just simply brutal, even LFR. I'd see people wiping on regular occasion even in LFR.

    Then WoD comes out, and they tried to toughen up the dungeons a little and then they made the LFR piss easy but also removed most of the rewards (no more set bonuses? wtf?) and they got rid of all the casual content, and lo and behold, most of the casuals jumped ship and WoW bled out, what was that again, more than 30% of their playerbase before the .1 patch, lol. Those numbers wouldn't return again until Mid-Legion IIRC. And in fact, Blizz had to stop releasing sub number data because people were using it as a weapon against them, explaining to Blizz why they should have continued the MoP model.

  2. I remember my 12 yr old brain was blown away seeing the wotlk screen after looking at the BC one for so long. I had no clue there was a new expansion coming because I wasn't super involved, but it's a moment I still remember to this day.

  3. Not much of a fan of Shadowland's login screen. Would definitely be better if it started with a normal Northrend sky, and then have the sky shattering around 36 seconds into the login screen music, right as the main WoW motif starts playing. It'd definitely have a lasting impact.

    Wrath probably would've been best without Sindragosa in the scene. Just looking over the frozen wastes was very cool to look at in the loading screen.

  4. Asmongold has 0 taste in anything. MoP had incredible zones and music, login screen was amazing, PvP was at its peak. Great raids and dungeons too. His taste is as bad as his ugly transmogs.

  5. 13:25 Gee you really just now realized what was the purpose of the BfA loading screen? And you not liked it? You just complaining about NPC-s and now you want NPC-s on the wall? But you love the Tha Dark Portal (they just reused 2 times).

  6. i agree with asmon. Wod had potential to becoem the best xpac ever made and then they fucked it up. I wish they would redo wod all over again somehow, and make it right. I'm deeply saddened that it was treated as it was.


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