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After the attempt against Normal Castle Nathria, Asmongold and Mcconnell decide to up the ante and lead a Pug against HEROIC Castle Nathria, will they be able to kill any bosses? ft. Mitch Jones!…
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this wipe is asmongold fault he should of put a star on one of the pillars and told people to run to that pillar to drop the red stuff so you got 3 pillars clear to run to without red stuff
i wish you didn't cut before he mouseover the loot on first boss </3
I still can't understand how Heroic would be easier then normal :/
Awesome content as always doing on pug you are admirable keep the good job champ!!
So annoying that he cant get the genders of characters correct
Convoke of spirit Resto night fae convent. It breaks it. Happend to me when I was doing the raid. Blizzard should fix it so it doesn’t moonfire sheeped targets or something
Asmon needs to read about the fights a little more, The boss and the Ads in huntsman share HP, you dont need to focus the ad just hit whichever is easier to hit
Aww they nerfed the heroic mechanic where the swirly boys are invisible and the only way to see them is if 1 person carries a lantern. I thought was really clever
Asmongold: "I'll probably never raid on stream again after normal Castle Nathria."
2 hours later…
Asmongold: "So who wants to do heroic Castle Nathria?"
20:25 convoke the spirits does not cast on mobs with cc so i feel bad for everyone blaming him.
my eyes start to hurt when i see NA raiders raiding
uhh how can this game feeling fun or enjoy if most of content are in late or end game.
Isn't Asmongold the guy who wiped like 30 times on the 3rd to last boss on normal? The big ass siege tomb wielding guy? Sludgefist or w/e? I remember clearing heroic in PUGS week 1 and 2 on my healer because I was that damn good.
Bald mans leadership is shit as usual
Didn't he say that he would never raid anymore at start of this stream?
Panda this
AMAZING Raid leader! I wish I knew half as much about wow as asmongold does. It's so smooth how he is on top of the timers and watching the details of the fight. I tried to lead a raid once. It was my first time raiding normals in my new guild. Nobody wanted to lead team two, so I thought "how hard could it be?". Keepo in mind that I had not raided very much… ever… I wanted to have the opportunity to practice learning to raid. Much respect for the skill and precision of asmongold's raid leading skills.
Is it just me, or did Shadowlands get a graphics update?
Mcconnel is like: "shhh, ret pally isn't top damage." He doesn't want to get their damaged nerfed.
I cant see asmon in dps war is so op
no rogues in raid makes me sad ): outside of their gimmicky burst in pvp they are pretty bad in every other aspect
Castle Maldria
Can somebody link me to the Hunter TSU armoury? Can’t find it anywhere, would love to see the build etc
Lol at all the pools in the mid and pillars
literally do the mechanics…do the mechanics…. do the mechanics…forget the mechanics just kill him….make up your mind baldy xD