Asmongold Makes the WoW Community Rage Yet Again (My Thoughts)

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Asmongold has done it again: He has once more annoyed many in the World of Warcraft community, after sharing his ideas of how he would fix WoW going forward. Mostly this drama existed on Twitter, but there have been several YouTubers responding to his ideas as well; I am now included in this list. In this video, I share my thoughts on Asmongold’s ideas, what I agree with and don’t agree with. Keep in mind something important: This video is NOT meant to be a “this is how I would fix WoW’ kind of project – it’s just me responding to Asmongold’s thoughts on the current state of the MMO. If you would like to see my own unique ideas of how I might fix WoW, let me know in the comment section below.

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35 thoughts on “Asmongold Makes the WoW Community Rage Yet Again (My Thoughts)”

  1. I feel like you didn't actually listen to his video regarding addons then; he literally said that he didn't want addons because blizz itself should be implementing those things, not that he didn't like the addons

  2. I haven't been with WoW since Shadowlands. I used to be a pretty dedicated Lorewalker and even when I wasn't, I used to play for the battles a lot.

    The thing that killed WoW for me is how irrelevant every subsequent expansion became, not just in terms of endgame content but in it's story as well. BfA was truly the beginning of the end for a lot of good things that WoW has been building up for years. In the pursuit of keeping the game "Balanced" or "Fresh" they forgot about the good stuff we already had, a story that's aware of it's characters motivations and desires, a class based system that continues to expand and grow with new loot and systems, and a world that the players can form a connection with.

    We've lost Archeology, Garrisons, Order Halls, Artifact Systems, Azerite Power, Glyphs, Corrupted Gear, series upon series of Armor Set Bonuses, Legendary Gear. And even IF nothing was technically removed or abandoned… How long would it take for Blizzard to finally touch on it again…? 2 Years minimum, 6 years max. And that's not even touching on how they handled the characters, even if I didn't talk about the Banshee Queen, ya'll ever noticed how static and even borderline pathetic some of the characters became? VJ is Warchief offscreen for a year and when he shows up next xpac he's stabbed in the back.

    I have no faith in WoW's dev team, because they are not fond of the things they create.

  3. You say you wore that Cloth to protect against Pollen, but I would reckon a guess you also wanted to try and not aggro the Defias Pillagers that I am sure were somewhere in the wild too

  4. Sad to hear all these ppl claiming retail is too complex. Boomers cant use wowup, curse, raidbots WA’s etc. Sure, barrier of entry is large into mythic raiding. But if u literally refuse to learn and just call the game bad bcz it has evolved past mashing frostbolt on cd and pretending ur good while avoiding fire ur part of the smoothbrain problem. I believe retail should keep on going and being innovative in its raid/boss design and let Classic/SoD be for the ppl who wants shit to be simple and a theme park grindfest. I login, prog each tier for 4-7 weeks then raidlog post prog, 1 night a week. Wow raiding does not consume a shitton of hours if u dont actively refuse to get better at the game. If u want to have a fun goofy raidnight with the lads go play SoD or Classic man, dont dumb down retail for the people that enjoy the competetive/difficult part of it. Shit if u still enjoy retail but dont have the hrs mby mythic isnt for u?

    I started playing back in Cata as a 12yr old, went on to RP on AD, then went into raiding in Legion and been raiding ever since. To me, classic and SoD is more of a theme park that can be “completed” if u put the time into it, while retail is a sweaty competetive pve version of wow where you have to evolve as a player to stay on an even level and perform, both games take a large amount of time but I just see retail as more of a payout in pride and prestige if I achieve something. Mainly because retail is more difficult which also brings its problems to the more casual raiders who feel entitled to “completing” everything even though they refuse to evolve as players or put in the time needed. Wow retail is currently attempting to cater to everyone, and i think its doing it alot better now than in previous iterations of its modern era. Sure, make it more innovative and take some risks but please dont dumb it down, that ruins so much of the fun of Mythic raiding atm.

  5. Yes. Remove all addons. Every single addon indicates a failure of blizzard. Be it ui or quality of life. All of them.

    If an addon was important tell blizzard to add it. Make them actually improve their game.

  6. As a fellow North Carolinian I also hate pollen season both grass and tree I usually have to wear a mask when out and about in it lol. Also fun fact out of all 50 states North Carolina is the worst to live in for allergies lucky us right.

  7. Yea no fk addons sorry man, the devs should implement this RP stuff themselves. Addons have destroyed the game and the devs have even said that they design Encounters with the assumption that people are using dbm n stuff. I hate dbm, I hate weak auras. Stuff like that are quite literally cheating because no matter how small they give players and advantage over others who don't use them.

  8. Asmon's a lazy, megalomaniacal pussy anymore. 10 Spells or less?? he just wants to spam 1 or 2 buttons, his caveman mind cant handle many more than those. well he can, but it's not fun if he cant turn his brain off.

    40 man raids, what is this 2008? Classic WoW struggles to put together 20 man groups, let alone 40, Raiding SUCKS and i believe that Blizzard is gonna have to reinvent their wheel so to speak.

    i can see removing addons to stop having machines do the mechanics for players, but ALL addons?? we didnt have the Minimap in WoW until an addon showed how hepful that could be, and that's not the only addon to become a core component to WoW, MANY addons have become core to WoW over the years. if Asmon wants to play a game with no addons, he can go back to FF14, i want to continue using addons like AllTheThings and SilverDragon to aid me on my quest to collect everything in the game.

    Final Thoughts? Asmon can continue to live in squalor and black mold, while he waits for WoW to die, like all the other doomers. Bellular's latest vid about actual subs measured using data that Blizzard gave him, states that between Retail, Classic, Hardcore and SoD, we have over 7 million ACTIVE players as of March 2024. we are not hemorraging players anymore, we are recovering after WoW's dark age.

  9. Addons is kinda out of context, at that moment he was speaking about raid addons that absolutely autos everything from position to timers for raid cd's ; in pvp you have 1 addon takes half the screen ; world addons on the other hand I consider to be fine.
    Also 40 man raids means there is more space to bring other classes/people not just the "meta" and also that raids are more accesible ( I don't mean everyone should be able to kill Mythic Fyrakk) , just more involvement and rather easier content (which doesn't has to be created with addons in mind by Blizz).

  10. I don't like a ton of abilities, I don't want 30 keybinds and macros while needing an add on to tell me what to do, you can say you like more abilities for rpg but most you use situational or not at all and it is the same as everyone else because they follow the same spec.

  11. As far as addons go, playing pservers without NeatPlates was such a hard adaptation. The default blizzard nameplates or any other modified nameplate… they all just look so bad and aren't clean and (sorry for the pun) neat. However, I can see where stuff like DBM, WeakAuras, and Questie are viewed as cheating. What's the point of playing classic, where the entire point is the adventure, and then just using google maps to find your way around. It's gross.

  12. I think wow needs to do three things: remove addons, make the open world more challenging, and stop being so formulaic.

    Addons just bog the game down, they make the ui look awful and create a barrier to entry for new players.

    I never played vanilla but when I played classic hc it felt great feeling forced to make groups to conquer regular quests, quests in retail are too much of a solo expirience.

    Every wow expansion since legion pretty much boils to the same thing over and over. Give us more mage towers, timeless isles, or something completely different.

  13. i played for a bit on the free version with a new warlock.. realized i was completely destroying everything after level 10.. got bored immediately and quit. couldn't find a challenge and didn't wanna go into classic because.. well.. i've played vanilla before and bored due to the lack of abilities.. so…. maybe if they turned up the challenge a bit on the up to date realms so we dont get bored due to the lack of a challenge early game? Can't even make it to end game due to this lol… 🙁 Feel at the moment it's either one extreme or the other.. either challenge + boring abilities or No challenge with fun abilities x-x…

  14. I think the problem with just having one difficulty is with how much the skill gap between new players and veteran players has increased over the years as the veterans keep getting better and better at the game its becomes impossible to make an experience thats challenging for both newer players and veterans. Either you end up doing what they did in SoD which is make an experience that is challenging for newer players or less organized groups but a pushover for more experienced organized players or you do something like Mythic raids which are challenging for veteran players but would be basically impossible for newer players to complete. I just don't see the scenario you talked about as being possible except for whatever group Blizzard targets the difficulty of the raid for.

  15. 100% agree with you. More spells = creativity.. if you think it’s just confusion, you’re pathetic. 40 man raids are awful and that’s just a silly take. Removing all addons with no exceptions is just moronic. There are so many quality of life addons that help the game. Yes I know the game could supply these changes instead but they don’t so stfu 😂

  16. As someone who has watched asmon for years he loves to make the everyman argument but if you really think about his ideas they would make the game even more boring than it can already be and boredom kills MMO's faster than bad gameplay even. For somebody like him its ideal but it strips away a lot of what made wow different from its competitors and what drew people to the game. Go look at any of the MMO's that competed with wow and what you'll find is they did a lot of what Asmon talked about and they all lost out to wow, then as wow became king everybody copied wow, then they tried to get rid of the trinity and shake up the wow gameplay system. They all fail, hell even OG FF14 was dog shit then they went in rebuilt the game carbon copying wow and holy shit it takes off.

  17. The tradeoff for making raiding one difficulty and 40man is that the raids are easier. 40mans are difficult to manage for a raid leader, but if raids were really easy, you could just use raid finder to be placed into a group/an lfg tool. Decentralizing raiding from guilds and making it more accessible to every player would be much more healthy overall.

    And you say it yourself "40 man is cool". That is the entire point. 20man 10man 5man its just a couple people, but 40 people storming into a massive raid zone is actually cool. Why would anyone want to play an MMO over time when they can have the same experience in any multiplayer shooter/Survival game/Battle royale?


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