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When you do so much damage that you actually bug a raid fight! Asmongold watches Gingi and the Echo team bring 28 Boomkins to the Castle Nathria Raid, currently the hardest raid dungeon of the new Shadowlands expansion. The Mythic World First team melts through every encounter and even destroys Sire Denathrius with extreme ease…
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Original Video: (10 MILLION Damage in 6.6 Seconds???? – 28 Boomkins vs Castle Nathria – Echo Gingi Highlights)
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They should do this for evry class! Then maybe WoW will be fun
Classic Blizzard balancing haha
inb4 moonkin nerf
also, boomkin +fae cov=healer 4head
This is why heroic raid logs are always skewed lmao
Warrior can't do this.
So this is why Malfurion always clean up the big bads in lore.
Idk why but I lost it at "can warriors do that?" 😂👌
Simply balanced
wow has been broken for a long time. takes no skill, way too repetitive, not challenging and time gated AF
RiP Boomkins
one of these days, he should just say, "yes i washed my hands" just to see chat's reaction
I played night fay druid and stopped because convoke is so stupid. That spell should have not passed alpha. Terrible balancing.
Retail = Activision's dog shit
Asmon doesnt have AOTC lul
Blizz "Let's buff arms , nerf hunter"
Asmongold, on his roof, shaking his fist at the sky,
28 Boomies would wreck just about anything in the game at this point, and this raid has 28 healers as well
Member when people thought convoke was balanced?
Seems pretty balanced to me
what game is he trying to log into?
One of my favorite vids was the Fistweavers vs. Thok.
that's exactly why people leaving shadowland , this xpac like the one before smell like shit 🙂
anyone know what addon he is using to show his rotation?
This is breaking my little feral heart, here I think I am doing good damage with 6K
[BALANCE] druid
Ahhhhh Blizzard and their love for druids. Wow is trash. Lol
Love how even druid players think convoke is some bs
In the Maw, the Chickens cook you
Check the 28 priests vid
The best part of the video: Hardstyle in Asmon's video because the streamer played some in the stream 😀
Boomkins are getting smoked next patch. It was fun while it lasted you ugly chicken fucks.
Now that's some nice Hardstyle in the background ♥️
Druids… Druids everywhere
His aotc? His attack of the clones?
The fuck is convoke I haven't played in a whilw?
"Castle Nathria leather stack plz"
For balance, I'd love to see the bottom of the barrel, trashcan dps spec stacked 28 times and see how they go doing the same thing