Asmongold Reacts to Classic WoW NEW GAME MODE

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BlizzCon 2023, Classic WoW Season of Discovery

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28 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to Classic WoW NEW GAME MODE”

  1. blizz at the beginning – we are trying to make not a product, but an original games and for a gamers and to deliever it a in the best way we can do it
    blizz now – players are paying to be a bug testers and blizz are taking outdated ideas from pservers

  2. for seasonal content it's hype af but this is NOT AT ALL what people want from classic+. giving every class every tool they need, dungeon finder, more instanced content,… literally everything against the spirit of classic.

  3. This is near to nothing what in potential could be classic plus. We desperately want it to be classic plus, but the fact is. It’s just another season! An effective way to keep you in the subscription loop as long as possible. Just a mixed and matched soup of old ingredients. skill and gear swapping, gear enchants which looks like old wotlk jewel mechanics and old raids turned into a 10 men raid / dungeon with some new bosses. You call this new content? We got some recycled stuff to keep everyone in the loop as long as possible. The game doesn’t get the love it deserves. Blizzard follows the money and classic isn’t going to earn more beyond the subscription model. So keeping you in the loop is the goal. Besides the class balance at classic era the roles and classes where amazing. all we needed are new adventures to be added, unseen content, new loot and gear. Just like OSRS does. We want it so badly, so we jump straight on the hype train, including myself. I won’t be suprised we end on dead servers at the end of this adventure once again. Let’s get milked one more time boys!

  4. Absolutely over the moon and hyped to return to azeroth with my mayes after ten years or so of having no reason to do so. Slow content brackets without having to no life and grind gives loads of players a reason to return and relive some pvp and content at a steady rate.

  5. I was really hoping for something more similar to turtle wow rather then acension. I’d much rather have regular classic with new raids dungeons maybe two new races a few new abilities, unfinished zones etc. imo, this is super over the top changes that’s gonna feel like retail. Like someone said before class identity is a huge thing that makes classic great.

  6. For people who don't understand, this IS Classic Plus. It's not a temporary season. It's a Level Progression Server. It's designed to let us experience the FULL world of Azeroth, not just rush to 60, do some raids, and quit. The level caps will be 25, 40, 50, 60. They are adding new gear, dungeons and raids. Yes NEW, not just turning old dungeons into raids. They said they are going to turn unused content into new dungeons/raids, they mentioned Uldum by name even.

  7. Hybrid class would/could make parties complicated in contrast to designated class that performs best due to min-maxing.
    im talking w/o knowledge to WOW, but from my experience in crpg's and rpg's looking at FONV, Outerworlds, DOS2, etc..

  8. so instead of milking sub money by releasing endgame content over years now you have to wait MONTHS to go beyond 25 HAHAHAHH this out of touch money hungry dogshit company. Shameless


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