Asmongold Reacts to "This is World of WarCraft" | By Carbot

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Father! Is it….over? Asmongold’s reaction to the brilliant video by Carbot Animation; from Vanilla WoW to Shadowlands, from Classic WoW to The Boosting Crusade…ehm Classic TBC…

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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45 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "This is World of WarCraft" | By Carbot”

  1. I miss OLD WoW. Used to be addicted to the game back in the day and I never found it to be an issue.
    As someone with anxiety, WoW was a huge escape way back in the day. Nowadays, I can't face the game anymore knowing what it's become..

  2. in some way social media and its influence as well has a part in killing the social aspect of the original game , well social media screwed up many things in this era tbh more than the benefits it gave but yeah as for wow its a BIG social impact

  3. I bought the sparkle pony. I got money as a present for my birthday, and wow was pretty much my life. I said, it's cool so why not… Well it was the only store mount I got.

  4. Oh man if they made wow 2 right now it'd be a fuckin disaster. Just imagine. They probably even sell exp boosts on the store, and I guarantee you there'd already be cosmetics and mounts in the shop before the beta is released. Activision might be innocent in wow's decline, but they'd for sure fuck with any Blizzard's new release.

  5. When I first started playing wow my family was getting a puppy named Dobby. He was so crazy and would always get a hair up his butt and zoom across the carpet in all the rooms in the house. He was always a goofy and sweet dog. Now he is getting old and has his bottom teeth rotted out and Parmesan plane dandruff and has bad hearing and vision. While I was watching this video I tried to pet dobby on his butt while he was sitting next to me but I could tell it make him uncomfortable or something because he stood up and looked at me. So I guess he is having hip problems now too. Having a good dog like Dobby is like playing wow classic in some ways because you never know what you got til it’s gone. And that’s why this video made me cry 😿

  6. i was in ironforge at christmas and the cross server thing went down. everyone disappeared except for one other guy on the bridge. it was an eerie glimpse behind the curtain.

  7. I have fond memories of WotLK and TBC and I learned that it has to finish one day. People get sad over a game they spent time and money? Of course it sucks when it becomes what it is right now but come on, get over it! Unless you are making money with it like Soda or Asmon or Shroud or any massive wow streamer then move on.

    When I came back after Cataclysm and played Legion, it was a refreshing air of everything coming back to me as it was arguably the best expansion but in my opinion it is. And now on Shadowlands is nothing like it was before and it will never be, but I learned to move on.

    Memories aren't made of games, but the people you went and got an adventure with.

    I'm going to get probably a lot of hate or maybe you think I have some brain issues… but you have to face it, in the end, is just a mere game, and a game shouldn't last more than 5 years but of course, not everyone thinks the same way.

  8. I get it. WoW is how we remember it. But to be honest. WoW needed change and we all wanted change. If WoW didn't try to progress we wouldn't have stayed. Us as a community will not swallow the pill that we helped build WoW into this beast that collapsed on its own success. But the community loves to blame the developers. We have all changed so much in 13+ years… we arent the high schoolers who are able to no life games anymore.

  9. I noticed this downfall in a completely different area: college. In 2002, I still remember some of the conversations I had with other people. I went back in 2013, 2014. I can only remember kids staring at the dumbphone. Nowadays, well…

  10. Just goes to show you can also blame the fans for consuming this hot garbage like the pay pigs they are. I wonder how many bitch about Blizzards money schemes and yet keep buying the mounts/coins/monthly subs/etc etc. Honestly, if you want results its going to take some sacrifice, to which lets be honest, these sheep wouldnt know sacrifice even if they had it thrust on them. If you really want the old Blizzard back, just quit paying them like the farm animals they think you are and find a new hobby to sit on until they cry about record decline. Its that simple.

  11. You can be a HoF raider, a casual or even a pet battle guy and that's all fine. Just don't be a fucking piece of shit disgrace who buys store mounts or any of that horseshit.

  12. Maybe next expansion they should have a little more than the early access first patch available before forcing us into the few new content they regress us into.

  13. There was a thing back in the day when you saw someone with a wow shirt in real life you knew they were the real deal, a true gamer and a man or woman of culture. Honestly it was its own culture, its own thing, and the people in it knew you were a part of it in a few moments and you could just talk about about wow for hours. Those people all grew up, and wow tried to grow up to with the new kids the gamers kids coming up it tried to change to bring those new kids on but in the end, I guess it just didn't matter the growth killed it. Its so terribly ironic to think that the best metaphor for wows dying breath will be spoken with in itself, no king rules forever. Its been a great ride to see the birth of a titan and the death of that same titan. no matter what comes from the ashes of its corpse ill always be grateful for the journey :). It and the community have constantly touched my heart and helped me through the tough times that life brings….:endless sad rant over:

  14. Right in the feels man.

    I've been playing FF14 for almost a month now and BDO for weeks before that. I haven't logged into WoW for any serious length of time in months. And now I feel bad because my friend who lost his hearing is alone in WoW.

  15. I've never played WoW but this hits so hard. lol It's the same weird nostalgic feeling I feel when watching the video clip for The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. Pretty nuts.

  16. all the people left playing Retail either, didn't know what wow was till they saw an ad for shadowlands, or hate blizzard but remain a slave to them because of their love for the game


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