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The Shadowlands PvP system has been under debate for quite some time now. Players have been asking for an improvement on the LFG system as well as the implementation of a Solo Queue system for Arena & Rated Battlegrounds. Recently, Asmongold has discussed his thoughts on the implementation Solo Queue in World of Warcraft PvP. In this video, I just wanted to respond to some of his comments to further the discussion in a healthy manner. Again, these are just my opinions. The goal of making this video is not to direct any sort of hate; but rather spread awareness on the topic. Thank you all 🙂
Live Stream (M-W-F 12pm PST):
I'd might come back for soloqueue just to try it.
Mmmmh tasty and good
why does asmongold have strong opinions regarding a game he doesn't play, i don't get it.
he's a mount collector.
Try being a blind player who loves PVP but cannot play at any serious competitive level, then you truly understand the toxicity that exists in wow. In this respect, solo cue could really help. At least I would be able to get in games to at least try and practice.
I've been saying it since the invention of the Gear Score add-on, metric evaluations in games are divisive and do nothing to improve social cohesion. Achievements and other systems including Rader.IO are all part of the problem as well.
They create a class system whereby elites only judge those with particular achievements as worthy, I have enough of this nonsense in real life in the UK where the class balance is a joke, I don't want or need it in my games.
Stoop a loop
Thank you very much for these videos Stoopz, you never let go and that's why we love you, you are our savior, huge like, keep up the good work. #TeamSoloq!
Right on the money! Nice video brother.
wtf is solo queue
69 on the mother board…. Nice…
Making lots of videos recently and often at that, pog!
Thank you Stoopz! And thank you Asmongold for everything you do for the game
Im literally spamming skirmishes 24/7 because of the soloQ
Stoopzz I hope you get on Allcraft, would def love to see that episode.
Just to add another thing to the #soloqueue idea.
WoW has really improved it's visual elements over the years. It's a lot easier to see when cooldowns are being used so knowing when to make a reaction is more clear. Player knowledge is also very high these days compared to the past (look at how classic is played now verses how the game was played in vanilla) it's very reasonable to assume people will play fairly well with one another when randomly matchmade based off of wows rating system.
Of all the systems they've put in the game over the years it's only fair they try this system out and see what happens.
Darrowshire Vanilla WoW is releasing 30th July with patch progression, updated pvp system with no honor decay, no world buffs in raids, zero tolerance for botting and much more. 3500+ discord members and rising.
Honestly all I want is for RBGs to be solo que
They could at leats let Alliance And horde play at the same team in ranked games. That would solve part of the problem….
I would resub for soloqueue if the rewards are competitive. Like 100%…
See the problem it’s his toxicity that makes me ignore and block all his ideas , i know ignorance…. but someone like you presents the same idea and views can change , hope your attitude rewards you with w/e you need
Lost cause blizz doesnr give a fuck about pvp
Solo queue would unfortunately be a toxic cesspool of meta slaves complaining about bad comp matchups, undergeared players, bad plays, and overall players treating each other like garbage.
Just look at Overwatch's and League's solo queue and it would be the same in WoW.
Blizzard already makes so many nonsense systems that nobody wants, make solo queue so we can experiment. If it works, it's a good thing for everyone… If it goes wrong… It's just another normal day at wow. By the way, LFR should be normal difficulty
They should remake RBGs into soloQ and thats it, the meme fun mode. arena has been and always will be the premier competitive mode of WoW pvp, with 2s as being the more casual and broken one that less people respect and care about, and 3s being as THE game mode of arena.
Stoopzz the reason why I’m glad you have posted more vids in the last few days is you are one of the only people who understands the average PvP player who loves the game and you are on point with the topics. We need someone standing up for the game like you are man. At this point, I don’t want to see guides, play highlights or funny moments. My arena partner and I are fighting to find reasons to stay in the game amidst the outstanding disconnect of blizz towards us. So thank you man and well articulated as usual.
To me solo q would not solve the problem. The big problem for me is the insane grind you have to do before you even can function in pvp, really would like they just had an arena in which you can just enter and no gear/borrowed power is a thing.
LFG is for advertisers and boosters, let's be real.
Yeah I think that's one big thing people miss when talking about how solo que would kill LFG. It potentially becomes a replacement for LFG, which makes it ok for LFG to be a little more barren (though its already horrendous). Playing the game is a good thing, using playing the game directly with people as an opportunity to find people is infinitely better than sitting in a menu waiting for hours to find the comp you want at your rating to then get declined and wait around longer while not playing the game.
That's a big part of why LFG feels so bad, even when you do find people you're basically going on that first date to see if things click. It might even go well the first few games but then things start to fall apart and now you're back where you started or worse. Then you're right back to square one opening up the app to try and find your next match. Soloque on the other hand lets you keep playing the game and speed date without your rating being on the line for each of those first matches.
I really wonder if the wow pvp community will take a look at lost ark. Has so much of what people have been trying to get blizzard to do for years. It has arena with more modes than wow, ranked soloque, everything is equalized so all you have to do is hit lvl 50 which is about 15 hours of play and then you're on equal footing to everyone else. No pve required after that point or any of that. Custom modes for practicing with people etc etc. Think the only thing it fails at is it looks like it doesn't have ranked group que which seems really backwards. But still interesting for your average player that doesn't have that big community of friends to play with and would otherwise end up sitting for hours in LFG not playing the game in wow.
God’s work thank you
This video is really spot on. Asmon drives a lot of the community emotion on his shoulders his opinions are often parroted and agreed upon because he is a great streamer and very entertaining. But his opinion on this matter just doesn't sit well and is very disconnected in my opinion. I have met friends and people I love and even my wife through games that involve a solo que it is VERY much a social system and lfg system is actually what is disconnecting players. WE CANT PLAY THE GAME. We HAVE to sit in oribos and do literally nothing if we want to form or look for our own group. Not to mention all the 100 other limitations like not showing the right item level with the new hearing system not showing cr or anything. It sucks plain and simple
When popular streamers tell everyone else to just find a group lol.
That first part is very true, my brother and I met a good friend who we still playing with dueling outside of org in LK
If you do nothing during LFG then your time management is off. My 2s partner goes dps for 3s with me and when we look for a healer in LFG we just do dailies and or kill alliance in Goldshire, practice rotation on dummies. There is plenty to do in this game.
I think the biggest problem with the game right now is that it's bad… Unfortunately
Was implemented in private servers in 2012 Carl! U cant fix society (toxic etc), but u can make game more welcome (like local quests, raid finders etc). Ofc Asmongold dont mention this as the problem, coz 3k ppl plays with him just for stream. Maybe when the game drops to the private servers lvl, they start doing things instead of talking how is that bad or smth (just dont stack 2 same classes in that finder algorithm lol)
Solo que not gonna fixt nada , wow pvp problem will keep going untill few things happens.
1: bring back damm pvp gear with resilence with a tier system similar to wrath where dudes with t3 could take down t3 arena geared players.
2: regular bgs turn solo que , end once for all premades farmin honor in random bgs.
3: first pvp set should be crafteable and cheap so people can start doing pvp with mdoerate chances to not be one shoted .
4: total rework of how honor and bgs works to encourage players to do objetives , and defend and be tactical
5: faction balance issue with timers: add 2 bgs wich mix faction players.
6: bring back pvp and pve servers , kill war mode , up the rewards , xp honor of the pvp realms
7: each 3 months blizard should make a public submitt where pvp lead could be adressed on class balance issues to show players they just dont neglect pvp.
I dont give a shitt for pve content. I Just want PvP. Im a dota player, and If they make a game where i can custom "my hero" without the bullshit of questing and stuff It Will be awsome ! Strainght up lv 60 character and you can only queue for PvP. The gear and mogs is obtainable for rising the ranks (mmr) … New arenas, make It more competitive 5×5 game mode and etc.