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After the battles, the heroes rest at the finest taverns.
Alliance version here:
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from the YouTube bar.
Gallows’ End, Elders’ Hearth, Shady Rest, Scarlet Raven, Smoke Lodge, Grunt’s Place, Tarren Mill OST are composed by David Arkenstone and Jason Hayes
Zuldazar Bazaar is composed by David Arkenstone
Zandalari Lament is composed by Sam Cardon
World of Warcraft Taverns locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Dazar’alor Port
0:03:05 Spirits Be With You
0:07:20 Grand Bazaar
0:09:53 Taste of Zandalar
0:12:53 The Royal Meal Rack
0:15:22 The Zocalo
0:16:40 Hot House
0:21:46 Trisfal Glades
0:24:05 Brill
0:29:50 Gallows’ End Tavern
0:35:31 Northern Barrens
0:37:19 The Crossroads
0:46:45 The Crossroads Tavern
0:53:37 Dalaran
0:58:46 The Filthy Animal
1:11:08 Mulgore
1:12:31 Bloodhoof Village
1:21:04 Bloodhoof Village Tavern
1:24:03 Outro (Don’t click!!)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
Please subscribe, like, and share the video to encourage me to create more content.
World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
Thank you to all my Patreons & Youtube Membership & friends in general. I couldn’t do it without you.
Elie Z.
Jack Readman
Anikann Skywalker
Sheila Smith
Carlos Macazana
Max Klijnstra
Anna O’Grady
Dox (Matt)
Christopher Ferris
Jonah Morris
Eric Davis
Nikoleta Martináková
Vitali Green
Davids Stalidzans
Кирилл Сергеев
Jan Brzeski
Kora Moore
I can’t stand WoW music
Oliver Garwil
Eric S
Ciprian Pitorac
John Olex
Mert Kahraman
Karliky (Bugcraft)
Bellow the Stone
Péter Balogh
#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW
Apologies for delaying so much this video. The truth is, I have reached unlucrative standards of video production. Like the Alliance Taverns video, almost everything is custom-made. Although I am getting faster, it's still taking a lot of time to do it. It's unlucrative because some of you are expecting more videos and the efforts vs views is almost equal to zero. For what it's worth, this is for you, my few friends who still watch this.
Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links bellow), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description.
Alliance Taverns Video:
Dazar'Alor video:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
Thank you so much, always a pleasure when you post. I for one appreciate all the hard work you put into these videos, especially the custom touches. Can never get enough of tavern ambience ❤
For the Horde!
Thank you for your work, Meisio! As an avid Alliance player, I never really had a chance to experience this side of the things, and I really enjoyed it! Thanks again!
Thank you so much for the videos!!
Thank you Meisio for all of your videos. It's always a pleasure to listen to your work.
I still listen and watch these everyday <3!!!
Fantastic job! Nice surprise driving into work this morning. Can't wait to show the daughter when I get home. Thank you Meisio!
lot of new songs that wasn't back in my day
1:12:31 Nice touch
I wish I was in the position to help but we are just hanging in like so many of us. I will say that your videos have been a God send to me during very stressful times in my life the last couple of years. I put these videos on and my mind slows down and I feel good again. Your videos are my therapy and I thank you.
Never been in a horde tavern. Can't stand the smell.
I am still listening to all of your work and this makes me feel so happy to listen to the horde side ! Thank you for doing it even if it must be rough for you not to have the audience you diserve but be sure that I am still enjoying a lot what you are doing ! Keep it up ♥️
Just found this channel thank you a ton for uploading these much appreciated much love hope you're doing well ❤
These videos are so awesome man! Thank you for still making them!
Been playing the game since late Vanilla, never made a Horde character. I never realized the tavern music was not the same everywhere… I just thought there were a few songs that played everywhere.
Thank you very much for uploading this, it's literally a whole part of the game I missed 😐
Stay safe and healthy!
3:05 reminds me of The legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
mil veces mejor la musica de la alianza aunque la horda tambien debe tener buena musica
i gotta say, The Grand Bazaar track by David Arkenstone has to be one of his best WoW tracks ever. which is seriously impressive considering how many tracks he's composed for WoW throughout the years.
Shit on BfA all you like, but that expansion's music was on another level imo.
Your videos make me want to start playing WoW again 🙂
Horde 👎
BROOOO HOW DID YOU MISS THE BEST ONE IN THE GAME FROM ORIGINAL TAVERN IN TIRISFAL GLADES!?!?!?!?! OMGGG IT WAS SOOOO GOOD it was that funky one with the like little bell/triangle noise lol awesome vids though i appreciate these and all the work you put in soooo much, i can't bare to support blizzard anymore so you let me relive my nostalgia through these incredible videos, so thank you very much <3 subbed long ago but going thru and liking every vid and tryin to comment for algo for what its worth lol
thank you for both the alliance and horde versions. i love that they have very distinct feelings, the ambience is great too
Unsure if I've developed a dependency on these but sheesh do I finally get calmed down once I get my "rain" playlist goin. Love your rain mixes + these tavern mixes!
why is bloodhoof village zuldazar lmao tf
I really miss the atmosphere of Bfa, Zuldazar was just great
The magic broom never brought me my check.