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Hi everyone! In today’s ASMR video I’ll be leveling an undead in the undead starting zone in Classic World of Warcraft. The video is soft spoken and contains in-game ambience, mouse clicking and keyboard sounds.
I hope you’ll enjoy this video! 🙂
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#asmr #asmrgaming #worldofwarcraft
I won't try to moralize here or anything, I generally love your channel, but with all the controversy surrounding Blizz working conditions, it's up to us to not pay them for the shady stuff they've done and denied. YouTube content regarding blizzard is free marketing. 🙁
Elwynn Forest > every other starter zone imo
Pretty much always been Alliance in both retail and classic, though I've played Horde a decent amount too 😀
This is awesome! Love your MMO asmr
Love it. gaming plus ASMR plus Keyboard Controller Sound best. Thanks. Keep it up
Please do a Mulgore leveling video!
Y’all better stop reading these damn comments and close your eyes and get ready to drift off to sleep 👋🏻
Frozen throne was like 8/10 game for me and not thats much fan warcraft games more like elder ring, dark souls and mgs fanatic but this is so good to listen and go to sleep mode.
I like the darker zones too! I love duskwood and now revendreth the best :).
How the heck do you not have 500K yet I do not know
oh jesus stop with the finger snapping thing. you all know asmr is some weirf fetish thing.
I love your ASMR 🥰
Thank you embodying this work
Nice video 🖤 could use the relaxing ambient sounds and music tho
As a Horde player and a person that leveled a rogue Undead especially for PVP during Vanilla/BC… I definitely cannibalized Alliance players as a final insult… all in good fun though 🙂
Oh man! I loved the Netherlands so much when I visited! I hope you enjoy your time here in Canada as much as I enjoyed my time in your country =) I'm from BC on the West coast, and there is so much to explore here, but I have heard that there is so much to enjoy on the East coast and in the middle too. Thank you again for your uploads, and I hope you had a great vacation!
I decided to pick up wow again partially thanks to tou asmr videos. 😅😊 im loving the voice over addon. I just cant decide if i want to play classic of wotlk
ASMR hardcore vanilla leveling soon!
only thing I know about classic mages is that their rotation is nothing but frostbolt, and they’ll still get top of the DPS meter 😂
I am studying a lot for an academy I'm attending in a few months , and listening to your videos have been the most concentrated I've been able to be. Thank you
I prefer retail over previous versions, specially when the current expansion is very good like the current War within. I would rather prefer Lore and questing over professions and auction house time. Do both Horde and Alliance for the lore. That's the Game's charm. Between you and me : FOR THE HORDE ! 😉 . PS can you make a Cataclysm ASMR video ? Thx a lot !