This is WoW 2.0 (And it Might Just Happen)

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World of Warcraft 2 is always a hot topic but I think with the recent wow remix we can potentially see what world of warcraft 2 gameplay can be. What they’ve done with the gear, the leveling and basically the whole journey is straight up amazing and can well enough be the future of WoW!

We’re not banging on upgraded graphics as we know what world of warcraft 2 unreal engine 5 can be and that would be a tricky line to cross but in terms of how classes would play and how all the content would feed into a big single loop, this is WoW 2.0 and it might just happen!

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37 thoughts on “This is WoW 2.0 (And it Might Just Happen)”

  1. Hi I’ve took a break as I quickly found out I couldn’t do Dragonriding which was infuriating. So I heard Plunderstorm / MOP Remix is completely separate from retail WoW so can MOP Remix help Retail Remix it’s confusing? Also In Retail WoW I can’t Raid as I’m always being kicked out as I’m disabled with bad hand control so I can never get Mythic Gear which I want so I feel Overwhelmed in PvE just so I can play WoW nor for me. Are Blizz saying I can get Mythic Gear from PvE and if so how do I get Mythic Gear?

  2. My suggestion to improve the current retail gearing system: make it so we can upgrade paths, so from veteran fi champion if we clear content that could give us champ track items.

  3. It’s called being stylized, I’d like it if they made the more realistic graphics a toggle or a paid dlc with toggle which would make it more work on the devs, but ideally they’d hire more people to handle the increased work load.

  4. Wow 2 will just be wow 1 down the line. Just look to classic release and classic now.. On top of that making a game obsolete that people have spent 20 years on will not go over great. WoW is in a good spot now, they have more and more patches out, the thing they could do is make the gear upgrade from mop remix come in to Retail other then that its fine. Wow will never get back to its glory days again, gaming world have change to much. Most people are not only playing 1 game anymore. Mobile games have become bigger and bigger. There are alot of mmo out now so the playerbase are in different games. In 2004 there were 2 smaller mmorpg out so wow took the market by suprise.

  5. Not having to worry about gold repairs and transmog costs is a big thing for me. The dev's know this game is very trasmog focused but locking us down with a cost ruins the fun. Find other ways to gold sink. Remix proves to me that removing these 2 costs improved my experience and enjoyment immensely.

  6. Personally i find the current gearing system fine, items to aim for with subtlety nudges to try harder content, plenty of guides out there if you dont understand the upgrade system. If people cant get there head around the current one all hope is lost. I think players have just become lazy. Compared to Vannila, gearing is easy. Though it would be nice if they kept Bullions for example but to be used on gear to upgrade the item track from Veteran to champion ect and save people having to farm certain dungeons / key levels

  7. Vanilla + oldschool Cataclysm gearing felt really fun for me back then because the greens and blues mattered so much more and lasted so much longer. Names were better to btw ^^

    To me epics lost their value as soon as I experienced my first endgame expansion reset which was from TBC to Wrath. I have NOT cared about gear the same ever since I had to replace my beloved Earthwarden that Grayz-Bronzedragonflight still has in his transmog bank lol

  8. WoW combat is very far from being the best MMO combat. I mean, tab-targeting with very stationary gameplay cannot be the best by definition.
    Even GW2 with its semi-tab-targeting has way better combat than WoW.

  9. Some very interesting points. Well said. I don't necessarily agree with many of them but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you brought them up. Have fun ❤️

  10. WoW 2 has to be a reboot entirely. Maybe some of these ideas can stay but the graphics should be drastically enhanced, the gameplay simplified and fun and the story completely different. I hope they can destroy the nonsense they built after last titan and move on to thousands of years later unrelated to the god awful things they did in and after BFA storywise.

  11. I think would they should change with gearing in remix is.
    Green are same ilvl as current
    Blues are +1 upgrade level as current
    Purples are +2
    Right now getting item drops feel kinda meh, at least with this system it’ll feel alot more rewarding

  12. Its crazy to me, that MoP remix is basically all the infinite grind barrowed power bull shit we have been begging to get out of the game for 3 expansions, but somehow people are looking at it like. "yo try this blizzard" Like BFA didnt happen?

  13. so people still think this is how the upgrade system works…1:35…if only once 70 the ilvl stops in heroic dungeons etc at 346 how do you upgrade past that well you will need to be lucky to get a drop past 346 for example a helm 360 in your bag or equip slot to then turn around and upgrade that specific slot piece to 360…aka the 346 helm you have in your bag or equip slot now if it only required bronze and not just bronze and a specific ilvl i could see all the dumb things about wanting more bronze but none of it matters since your basically not taking that high ilvl with you to begin with into TWW if lucky 400+ so live the short term power fantasy you already get in Dragon Flight minus all the Gems and tinkers

    how people keep misinforming and saying all you need is 70 and loads of bronze to upgrade all the way to 556 hurts my brain…

    Side Note have enjoyed mop remix regardless of all the toxic nonsense about bronze and the end game 1% trash and making it like a second job but got all my collections and mounts from it so its nice to finally take a 2/3 month break and chill and play other games and do irl stuff till TWW…

  14. We have to accept the game has changed. The mindset of kids playing 20 years ago is completely different to the crack head kids now who need constant rewards. Might be time to quit. I liked the slower pace – the D&D pace – but even classic has changed for modern tastes. I'm not salty – I recognise all things change. GLHF.

  15. While i like the system for gems to dictate the secondary stats on your gear, it's not what the devs actually want. they dont want us to always have the perfect gear that some guy just simmed. people will rush through the content faster with that system, because you dont have to run instance X to get your BIS item in that slot. you just get any item with high ilvl and put your haste/mastery gems in. (or whatever stat)
    a lot of these systems are perfectly fine for a mode that is considered a just-for-fun thing. and even though they feel good and right, they wont feel good in an actual competetive season.
    i'm all up for getting overpowered, because overpowered is fun, but a majority of the wow community dont want that.
    best example are the tinker-gems. they are basically azirte armor without any azerite-level hurdles on your necklace. in bfa that was one of the biggest fun killers, for both players and the devs. in pandaria remix it's fun and imbalanced.


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