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Use headphones for better audio quality 🎧 Together in this soft spoken ASMR video we will go through the World of Warcraft Character Creation from the Vanilla version of the base game, also known as Classic WoW. I hope you get some tingles and relaxation from this gameplay video.
I don’t have any other social medias at the moment. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.
This one is extra magical, thank you as always Erudwen.
Glad you are still doing wow videos even after saying a few times you are done with it 🙂
The best asmr is always someone talking about stuff they care about, thanks for the relaxing video!
We need Classic / Wotlk leveling!
I'm at 59/60 hardcore on my warrior! 😊 thanks for the video!❤
love your gameplay vids, thanks ^^
Amazing review.
mouse click ASMR
Hurray!! I'm so happy to see this. 😀 I hope you enjoy your Hardcore Mod journey- Stay safe and good luck! And if you die – WE GO AGANE
Erudwen ive been casual watching videos about WoW for a couple of years now. I would just like to say your channel is so comfy and vibes. Would you ever do guides or play by plays. Or even tips to know for first time players. Loved this style of relaxation video gameplay thanks for the magical vibe as always.
So much nostalgia! I miss how the old characters look, too. Every face had so much personality. Thanks for the video!
i play a fuck ton of wrath classic but im always watchying hardcore clips. crazy to think there are people raiding who havent died yet . good stuff!
You have a great voice. I played this game in its beta. Before that I played a game called Star Wars Galaxies. It was a good time for mmorpg games.
You're so lovely and peaceful. Would love to play with you.
You should def play classic hc!!
Classic wow def had a charisma and a vibe retail will never have, it might be a mix of nostalgia or the game not trying as hard to be appealing visually and just doing its thing.
This was unreal. Your content is extremely relaxing!
Trolls be da best mon ;]
I'm having fun in sod
Thanks for your content love your voice
I haven't played WoW in like 10 years. Anyone want to create new characters? 😁