Read more about World of Warcraft ➜
This is a soft spoken ASMR video where I will go through the World of Warcraft Official Strategy Guide from Brady games that covers the base game (Also known as Vanilla) of World of Warcraft.
I do not have any other social medias, feel free to leave suggestions or questions in the comments.
That was a great video!
the soft spoken with the accent along with wow, ugh, perfect.
Thanks 🙏👍🎉❤
This reminds me of Bjork taking apart the Television.
When I worked at the oreo factory, the dude I worked with said I looked like Bjork…
The tape machine would break and cookies would be falling from the ceiling in the warehouse so the dudes would come from the back all pissed that the box had no bottom lmao
It smelled soo good in there 😁
Aw I'm so sorry the seller sold this to you and lied about it's condition! That must have been really disappointing. But thank you so much for making the video anyway ☺️💖💕 I love WoW and your voice is so calming.
Man I wish I would of read this before starting in late TBC. I remember going into first dungeon not really understanding the holy trinity thing and aggro. The game felt so massive and new; I had no clue what my abilities really did or what I was doing. Didnt think it was going to take me down a road where I met a lot of memorable people. I could never figure out if it made my life better or worse. But I'm still here alive and well which I cant say for some of my friends who are no longer with us. It may have saved my life.
loved the old wow (vanilla, tbc and wotlk), rest was just a painful downfall
This is by far one of my favorite asmr videos ever. You’re voice and accent and pacing are heavenly 👍 keep up the amazing content.
Great video subscribed
My god you’re beautiful!! I’m in love 😍
What is your accent. It is nice.
15:14 I'm listening to this video while I play a hardcore character right now!
It’s people like this who leave negative reviews for items in “okay” condition because they don’t know what it means.
Thanks for the video though 😅
Many happy memories and you have amazing eyebrows!
I never played WoW but I’d love to learn about the history, anyone have any recommendations for videos that cover the history in and out of game?
If you subscribed in 2005 and stayed subscribed till 2023 the total cost would be around $2,800USD. The lifetime subscription at launch was $500USD but of course was a gamble because one didn't know how long the game would last. Merry Christmas 🎁 🌲
why the $##$ have they not released a WoW2 using Unreal 5 Engine they made billions and billions on this game reward the fans with new graphics and game mechanics
Merci !
Ahhhh soaked in cigarette smoke, pages stained with Mountain Dew and Cheeto dust, tattered and ragged from years of neglect – probably on the floor under a pile of dirty clothes.
A true relic from 2004.
I love those old Penny Arcade comics in there. I remember reading them way back when
love your topics so much as also your eyes..keep going my love
If you haven't found a new and better strategy guide, I have one that you can have completely for free. 🙂
TE AMOOO 🌹🌹🌹🌹💖💖🥰😘😘😘😘🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱ANGELICAL 💖💖💖💖💘💘
You can always make a collage out of it. Since you can always just cut up the yard and put it behind a frame or something
Day 20 of falling asleep to this video lol love vanilla and your love for the nostalgia.